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                                                  Liaison Chapter 3

"Please let me do it. I can do with the money," I whine to Katherine.

"But you haven't even heard what the job entails yet."

Hearing that, I drop my head in my hands then say, "I don't care. I'll do anything for money right now. I'm starting to get desperate."

I lost my job three months ago as a secretary at Parker Industries. I couldn't keep up with the fast-paced role and they fired me. I didn't get fired by just anyone either, the owner and CEO fired me. How embarrassing.

"Why don't you just let me talk to gramps? You know that he can help sort out your current situation." Kat says amused.

I raised my head in horror to look at her. "Don't you dare say a word to militant man. You know that I will never hear the end of it if you do." We both laugh at my description of her grandfather because he's army to the core.

"I'm joking doll, but seriously you should become a model. You know you're good for it with those features and curves that you're carrying around. You could make a ton of money if you did."


I know she's teasing me because she doesn't have her serious face on, but I can't stop myself from re-iterating what I've always told her since we met in that vintage shop three years ago.

"I can't. It's not my dream." I don't have to add, owning a restaurant with my name in flashing lights because she already knows that part.

Kat clicks her tongue then say, "well, I guess you can't do the job then because that's it. Gramps is showing off his pieces tonight and one of the models is a no-show. I can't find anyone else to do it at such short notice and I was hoping that you would, but if it's not your dream..." she trails off.

Facing defeat, I drop my head and lightly bang it on the table. "I'll do it, but for this one time only."

She claps in delight. "Goody meet me tonight at gramps. It's at seven and shave your legs."

Turning my head to the side, I look at her and I see glee spread across her face. Raising one eyebrow I give her a stern look. "Why do I have to shave my legs? I don't have to wear a swimsuit, do I?"

"You won't have to, plus I thought you said you'd do anything for money right now," she points out.

"I would!" I whine again.

"Ok so meet me at seven then."

"Liaison Harris!" Someone calls my name from across the room.

"You're up, don't be late." Kat gets up and we give each other a hug. After we say goodbye, she saunters out the door.

I met her a few years ago in an antique shop when I was looking for something to send to Margaret and Rob for their anniversary.

Straight away she launched herself at me. She told me how much I looked like a doll and asked if I were interested in modeling.

For a second, I thought about saying yes but then I thought how far would my looks take me? After thinking better of it, I told her no.

For the rest of the time I was in the store, she followed me around. She bombarded me with questions. I couldn't get rid of her, so we swapped numbers and here we are now. Oh! And although Katherine works for her grandfather at his auction house, she doesn't have to because she comes from a wealthy family.

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