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                                                                          Corey Chapter 26

The atmosphere in the house feels different when I walk in the foyer with Thane, and I don't know why but I leave him to go find Liaison. The first place I look is the kitchen because that's where she's always at. When I get there, she's not here, but my laptop is sitting open on the island.

I don't remember leaving it there and go over to check it and notice that it's still logged into the city's hospital records with Liaison's file open on display. Hating that I forgot to log out, I do, then shut the lid and check my watch. She doesn't have class tonight so where the hell is she.

I go back to the foyer, ready to go upstairs to check her room and see Thane making himself at home in one of the loungers. He nods as I walk pass him. "She quit," he tells me waving a piece of paper.

I walk over and snatch the paper away from him. Two words, I quit, is all there is, but I turn the paper over and over hoping that by some magic more words will appear.

Ok so she can quit or whatever, I was going to end this farce anyway, but as this is the only accommodation she's got, she must be upstairs.

It takes me no time to get to her room, and when I reach the door, it's ajar. Pushing it open, I step inside then close it behind me. For some reason my heart begins to beat unsteady, I can't seem to calm it down so I lean against the door to take a minute.

"Liaison," I call and the empty room echoes back at me.

I begin to push my way through the emptiness and at the same time her wardrobe catches my eyes. Clothes are strewn around it, there are gaps where clothes should be. Seeing it makes the thrum in my heart unbearable so I brace myself.

She's not in the room so I check the bathroom, when I reach the door, I push it open and on the floor is a pile of hair, Liaison's hair. I can tell it from anywhere.

Shocked, I back pedal out of the bathroom, and trip over myself, just like how my heart is tripping over itself.


Two months later

I'm irritated and have been barking orders like a tyrant all day. Someone from human resources should pop up any minute now, to tell me off for treating my staff badly.

My fingers are gliding over the keyboard of my computer, but I can't tell what the fuck I'm doing. When it chimes, I look down at it. The memory of my laptop pops back into my head, and I can swear that I didn't leave it there that day.

Thane came home with me that night so that only leaves Beth, and I know she is cruel enough to leave Liaison's personal information out for anyone to see. I'm partly to blame but I will deal with her later!


Three months later

All I can see is Liaison's hair on the bathroom floor. Last month I had my private investigators look for her. They found her living and working in the city. The restaurant she works at is on the market and although I have no interest in the food industry, it's a good investment for the future so I have Jim look into it and he has the ball rolling.

My private investigators check out Liaison's roommate background too, and it turns out that she's in a financial crisis and could do with a bailout. Jim's working on that as well.

I always learn from my mistakes; Liaison will never get the chance to leave me again.


Four months later

I'm parked up early tonight to watch Liaison. She's walking hastily up the street to her house and it doesn't look like she's sad or depress or have any of the emotions that I have. She looks so beautiful with the moon high behind her.

I feel like I should get out of the car and evoke some of my torment on her, but I can't, so I sit in my car and watch her.

As soon as she goes inside the house and the light comes on, I start my car and drive away. I'm satisfied that I saw her home safe.


Five months later

I'm in my gym kicking the shit out of the punching bag while I go over the plans in my head. I'm really going through with it, and I'm looking forward in doing it.

I feel hurt that Liaison is carrying on like normal. Since I've been watching her, she doesn't look sad in any way, shape or form, and it hurts me to see how easily she moved on.

The connection between us isn't imaginary. I feel it and I know she feels it too. Her body loves mine just like my heart love her so there's no way I'm letting her go.


Six month later

It took me six months to get my shit together so now it's time. I'm ready to carry out all the parts of my plan.

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