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                                                           Corey Chapter- 32

Content is how I feel when I wake to find Liaison's warm body draped over mine. Outside of Beth, I've never done this, I never share a bed. I've never wanted to do it. Normally by now, I would have made an exit, but with Liaison, I want to lay here.

Coils of curls are fanning over her face, splaying across my chest and tickling my sides. Watching her sleep is one of my favorite past-time. God she's so beautiful. I can't pull my eyes off her. I could watch her for eternity.

But I can't wait for her to wake up so that I can pull her in my arms and kiss her senseless. Thinking about it makes my heart beats with excitement. She's so much more when she's awake. I would literally do anything to get a smile from her.

I don't know how I got here, yet the promises I make is true. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her. She's cautious about the situation I have set up, but she will have to trust me. I can only prove what I say.

Staring at her, the mole on her chin peeps out to wink at me and like a magnet I'm drawn to it. Careful, I move so I don't wake her to kiss it and she stirs then she snuggles into me. Happy, I peck her shoulder blades. I love the beauty spots on her body. Someday, I plan to kiss every single one of them.

"You smell good." Her husky voice makes my cock stir.

She smiles looking at me and just like that my day begins.

"You're beautiful."

Unable to resist, my lips begin to trail along her collarbone in search of the beauty spot on her neck. She tilts her head to give me better access, and when I find it, I lap her throat

"Good morning to you too," she giggles rubbing her body against mine.

Reaching around her, I give her ass a firm squeeze then I push her down on me.

"It's not a good morning yet."

Laughing, she rolls on her back to stretch and I roll on top of her. Her breast juts in my face and it's the perfect distant for me to stick my tongue out and lick her beady nipples.

She shivers as I suckle one, and moving my hand to the other, I pinch it and she moans squirming. When I'm done playing with them, I plant a deep kiss on her.

"I hate that, Corey," she whines when I let her up for air, but she's smiling. It's wider and brighter than before.

"You will learn to love it," I say kissing her again. It's not something I do in the morning but it seems like I will go past any limits for her.

"At least let me brush my teeth first," she winges again and I smile down at her. It's just as wide and bright as well.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask tickling her sides, then I go back to kissing my way around her body.

She giggles, "I could do with some exercise. I've been lounging a lot lately."

Her answer gives me an idea so I suggest it. "It's Sunday and not many places are open, want to go to the zoo?"

"I haven't gone to the zoo in a long time. Yeah, ok, maybe we can have breakfast while we're there?" she answers and suggests.

"Great, I'll arrange lunch, get dress while I make a phone call."

When she moves, I stop her with my body. "But before that, I want in."


We're out the door few hours later. My sleek black BMW 3 series parked out front is covered in morning dew. We get in and due to hardly any traffic being on the roads, the twenty-minute drive to the zoo seems like a five-minute journey.

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