Worth It

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                                                               Liaison Chapter -19

I'm aware that I'm too hot and wake up. I fell asleep few hours ago after Corey drained the last orgasm from my body. It's the longest sex I've ever had and my pussy is still throbbing from how hard he fucked it.

Now he's sound asleep and lightly snoring with his heavy arms and legs wrapped around me. It's the heat from his chest that's making me hot. God, even in his sleep he can do it.

Carefully, I move the possessive hand that's on to my breasts and the sheets brush against my nipples. They're sore and sensitive. When I shift my legs, the inside of my thighs and groin hurt. Actually, everywhere on my body aches, especially my abdomen. I took a pounding.

Corey really worked me in the last few hours. Sex with him is no joke. He fucked me like a man possessed. He's dominant and rough. Now I have the answer to why women come back for more. He's fantastic in bed and if this never happens again, at least I will have good materials for the lonely nights ahead.

I yawn and my eyes drifts shut. I'm not ready to move. I'm too relaxed. I think I might just sleep for a week, but remembering where I am, I force myself to move. I must go now because Corey made it perfectly clear about what he expects. No commitment he said and hanging around waiting for him to wake up seems a little...clingy.

I don't want him to wake up and tell me to go. That would be awkward, which is something that we agreed that is not going to happen.

I sit up then fling my feet over the side of the bed and my legs give out when I stand up. I fall, landing with a quiet thud. From the floor I take a quick peek at Corey, he's still asleep and I thank God that my fall didn't wake him. The cramp in my abdomen is more painful upright so I get on my hands and knees and crawl away from the bed.

"Well, this is a first."

At that, I turn to see Corey wiping the sleep from his eyes with the heel of his hand.

"Shut up!"

The smug grin that he plasters on makes me want to throw something at the cocky git.

"Were you going to leave dress like that?" he's referring to my nakedness.

I shrug thinking nothing of it but then I remember his friend is staying here and could be up. "Well, seeing as how you rip my clothes up last night, I don't have a choice, do I?"

"It's seemed like I've fucked an attitude in you Ms. Harris. I like it."

The heated stare he sends my way sets my body in motion again. Not in the mood to deal with his arrogance, I continue to crawl to the door.

In the next moment he is out of the bed and picking me up. When he places me back in it, he bundles the sheets around my waist then he goes to the wardrobe to pull a shirt off the hanger. After he dresses me, he steps back to stare.

"You look sexy wearing my shirt... and I like you in my bed."

Thinking that he might want to go for another round I tell him, "I can't."

He steps back and gives me the once over. "I've already had my fill last night pretty thing so you can relax."

"Then I should go."

He grins as he rocks back on his heel, after that he steps aside and points to the door like a doorman would. "As you wish."

Gathering all my strength I get off the bed and walk the few feet to the door. When I open it, he calls out to me. I don't answer and he doesn't say anything so I turn to face him, and when I do, he says, "it was worth every teardrop."

He's being an asshole and as a result I slam the door in his face not caring that it might wake his friend up. Shit! now I can't stop regret from creeping in.


A couple of weeks past and I'm at the university. After Corey's encouragement to make contact, I went and applied, now I'm here to pick up my student pass.

I find it strange that my application was fast tracked through the system. I applied two-weeks ago and it's processed already. I can't help to think that Corey has some involvement but I can't face him to ask about it.

After I slept with him, I tried my best to carry on like normal but I feel awkward being around him now because I know he has a string of questions about my scars. It's too painful to talk about the issues behind them, and I don't think I will be able to answer the questions that he will raise.

I'm also trying to lose these feelings I have, so I've been careful to avoid him. I don't hang around in the mornings anymore, and I make sure that I finish work and dinner is ready before he gets home in the evenings.

The woman at the helpdesk clears her throat then she asks to see my driving license. It's the same woman who I saw two weeks ago when I turned my application in. She was rude as hell back then but when I show her my license her demeanor changes. She begins to address me like I'm someone important and it further proves what I think. Corey's definitely behind this.

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