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                                                                  Liaison Chapter 13

"Oh my god! Tell me you haven't become a notch on his bed post, doll?" Katherine asks after I tell her what happened.

"No, but I wanted to."

My answer is honest. I really wanted to have sex with Corey. Even though everything was an act and what happened was just a demonstration of his point, I still wanted to. I went to sleep horny as fuck and before we thank the owner of the shop and left, I seriously thought about throwing myself at him.

"Good and keep it that way."

"That won't be hard. I don't think he wants me like that. I put what happened down to the storm and how the scene was set. We were both...seduced by it."

"That man is seduction and sin on legs. Just keep away from him. He's bad news." Katherine warns again.

I know she's trying to look out for me but I'm a little annoyed at how insistent she's being. It makes me wonder if she knows something.

"You don't have to tell me twice. He's too intense and..."

Trailing off, I trace my fingers across my lips because I can still feel Corey's kiss. I've never been kissed like that before. It literally took my breath away. The kiss made my heart come to life. It strums with feelings, ones I should have no business in having, especially for a man like Corey.

"And engaged."

Katherine finishes my sentence and it's like someone pouring water on fire, it doused out all thoughts of Corey as guilt raises up like thick dark smoke.

"You know what you need? a night out. Let me take you out for drinks. We'll let our hair down, drink, and have the time of our lives."

Her offer appeals to me. Going out with Katherine is always fun and we never fail to have a good time. "That may do the trick, yes, lets." I whooped and she copies me.


I don't have to turn around to know it's Beth, but I did, and when I do, she's standing in the doorway looking immaculate as always. Feeling like less in her presence, I brush few stray coils off my face. I hope that I look semi descent to her perfect.

I face away from her and speak to Kat. "Katherine, text me the details. I have to go." She blows me a telephone kiss and I blow one back before I hang up.

Taking a deep breath, I turn and give Beth my full attention. Since I got back, she's been off with me which is understandable. After all, it's her soon husband that I just spent the night with. If I were in her shoes, I would be pissed off too.

"Can I help with something Beth?" My best smile is on and my voice is upbeat and cheery.

"There's no coffee. Make some and take it up to Corey," she orders and I grit my teeth.

She doesn't see my irritation because she took a compact mirror from her designer purse to check her perfectly straight, and whiter than white teeth.

"Oh...and the room needs cleaning, we got...carried away last night." She tells me digging inside the bag.

A lipstick appears when her hand becomes visible again and I watch her apply a shade of red. It's the only color on her which allows her pristine white pants suit to pop. I can see why she's the country's top model. She has all the hit factors and can pull off anything. Satisfied with her appearance she drops the mirror and lipstick back in the bag.

Chasing LiaisonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora