Familiar Face

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                                               Liaison Chapter 37

It's been awhile and Corey hasn't come back yet. I wonder what's taking him so long. Dinner is about to start and the people that he left me with are nice. I'm blending in quite well, but I would feel so much better if he were here.

Turning away from the group, I scan the galley for him, and as I do, I feel like someone is watching me, so I look further around the room. Everything looks normal, no one here is paying attention to me, so I shake the paranoia out of my head and turn back to the group to take part in the conversation we're having.

In the next moment hands snake around my waist and I smile thinking Corey's back.

"Boo! I got you."

I thought it was Corey, but when I hear those words coming from that voice, it makes me want to scream but I hold myself together.

"You're so much prettier now. How time has change."

My nightmare has come alive and my heart begins to beat rapid as it tries to break out of my chest. I become nauseous as my stomach rolls over on itself and my palms turn sweaty, then I get cold, even though the room is warm.

Nate is here. I didn't want to admit it when I thought I'd seen him at the docks. I convinced myself to let my guard down. Now I'm so scared and can't stop my flipping body from shaking.

"Hello Lee," he greets and the smell of cigarettes is strong on his breath.

I don't say hello back and he moves to stand in front of me. He looks different. Gone with the leather jacket and rip jeans, he's sporting a fresh trim and tailored suite with an expensive watch.

"What's the matter, you can't say hello to an old friend? Even with all the jewelry and fancy clothes we both know who we are... right? So, say hello... old friend."

I don't say anything and he put his hands back on my waist then digs his fingers deep in my sides.

"Hello Nate," comes rushing out.

Over his shoulders, I glimpse Corey walking back in the hall. Nate seeing me, looks over and sees Corey too. While he watches him, he asks, "does he know about the acts you did for me... and my friends?"

I don't answer as bile forms in the back of my throat. I just want to forget about that night.

"I wonder what he would think, if he knew what a dirty little girl you are."

He pinches my side when I don't react. It stings but I don't let him see that he can still hurt me so I drop my head. Shaking it I say, "no he doesn't know."

"Good girl. Now unless you want to play a new game, I suggest you keep it that way. " His threat makes me want to vomit.

When he shifts, I see Corey drawing nearer, but Nate blocks my view when he moves to stand directly in front of me, then he smiles wide showing off his pristine white teeth, it's not the smile that I remember.

"I have pictures and videos. If you tell him and I find out, I'll leak them."

I don't want Corey to find out about that night. I don't think he would look at me the same way if he knew.

"For the duration that you're on this ship, you're mine. You do anything I ask, when I ask, and how I ask. Defy me and I will leak the footage."

I don' know what to do so I continue looking down searching the intricate carpet for answers and wishing I could disappear.

"Did you hear me." Nate seethe digging his fingers in my side again.

"Yes." I hear myself say.

After that he walks away leaving me awake in my worst nightmare with no hope of waking up.

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