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                                                                                Liaison Chapter - 21

I crack my neck and the sound makes the women who's sitting at the table in front of me turn to stare. Irritation clouds their eyes as boredom takes over mine. I want to fall asleep because sitting through the introductory side of cooking is long and tedious.

We've gone through the fundamentals and techniques, health and safety, even the different types of pots, pans, utensils, and what they're used for. Going over all this stuff again makes me want to gouge my eyes out.

The women turn away the same time the tutor begins to move down the aisle opposite mine. She's in the middle of making her point that cooking isn't just cooking. She tells us part of being a good chef is knowing the background to recipes in order to develop them and to create our own styles. I've already learned this part so I drown out the rest of what she's saying and time goes by.

At the end of the class, the tutor gives us an assignment to create a recipe for next week. I jot down the detail of what she wants us to do, then I pack up my things and make my way out of the building to the parking lot.

When I get near the car, I dig into my bag for the keys and I don't feel them. Swearing that I put them in my bag with the rest of my things, and hating that I might have to make the long walk back to the building, I turn my bag out on the ground to search through the pile of junk that was in there.

"Hey sexy, want a hit?"

A muscular man comes out of nowhere. He's smoking a cigarette and after he blows thick smoke through his mouth, he flicks the butt towards me. I don't mean to judge, but he looks intimidating, so I quickly pick up my items and stuff them back in my bag.

Ready to face whatever this man is bringing my way; I stand and say, "No thanks I don't do drugs."

Instead of going away, he starts walking around the car, he's checking it out, and when he gets to the front, on the driver side, he bends to look in the mirror and I watch him while he fixes his hair.

"Nice car," he says scanning me.

His gaze makes me feel uncomfortable and I look away. The parking lot is empty except for few cars. No one is around except for me and him and it further intimidates me. Maybe if I be nice, he will just go away.

"Thanks." I'm a fucking idiot because that was not nice at all.

He raises one eyebrow and a sinister look shadows his face. "Is it yours?"

My lame attempt at nice didn't work. Maybe, if I let him think that someone else is joining me, he will pick up on the hint and leave me alone.

"A friend of mine allows me to borrow it. He'll be here soon."

"If I were your friend, I wouldn't leave you out here wandering around all by yourself. You from around here?"

I see that it's not wise to entertain this man so I make a move to leave. "I have to go."

"Hey, whoa...whoa!"

The man dashes in front of me then he grabs my elbow cutting off my path. When I try to go around him, he does it again.

"Sweetheart, I just want to talk for a while- there's nothing wrong with talking is there?" His grip tightened on my elbow as he says that.

The warning bells go off and they are deafening in my ears and I try to snatch my arm out of his hands.

"I want to leave!"

I move off and he pulls me closer to him so I let out a hell of a scream that carries through the night. In the distance someone shouts just as the man covers my mouth. He's dragging me out of sight .This can't be happening. He's going to hurt me. The sound of my heart beats heavy in my ears as panic takes over. I can't go through this again.

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