Turned Up

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                                                                             Liaison Chapter-15

"Go in Lee," Roy says moving aside without checking me again.

I went out for some fresh air. Inside the club is too hot. It's so packed that I wonder how people are coping with being crammed together like sardines.

Back inside, I see Ellie and Ellan, the twins, over at the bar chatting to a really good-looking man. They're on a mission to get as many numbers as they can. It's a game they play when we go out. It's called Who is the hotter twin.

Ellie, the older twin by something like two minutes is the same height and weight as her counterpart. She keeps her natural hair black and Ellan tint hers red. Tonight they have on the same outfit which adds more interest to the game. They're identical, so it's a lot of fun watching guys falling over them and although it's a silly game that they play, it can sometimes get vicious... in a friendly way.

I look across to our section and see Katherine with Zoey at the table where I left them. Three men have joined them and when one says something they all start to laugh. I go over and two seconds later the bickering twins comes back and sharing the task of carrying five drinks.

"He said that I was sexier." Ellie boasts to her sister who isn't bothered.

"But I made him buy us drinks so who is the winner?" Ellan boasts back.

Looking at me Ellan says, "Lee, if you tell her I'm the hotter twin, I'll tell you that I love your shoes again."

"Nuh- uh... Pick someone else," I laugh backing up.

The group starts laughing too and although I am, there is no way I'm getting in the middle of those two.

Sobering, Katherine and Zoey move to make space for the twins and I bunch between the guys.

"Here doll, have this you need it." Katherine says handing me my second shot for the night.

She's on her fourth like everyone else. I'm a lightweight drinker so I prefer to pace myself. I can already feel the effects of drinking too much creeping in. The cocktails I had earlier is churning in my stomach, now mixed with tequila, it boils and burns.

"To Lee, she's having a hard time at work so here's to her having a good night tonight." Katherine toasts.

"Cheers!" I say with everyone then we clink our glasses and down the contents in them.

"You up for some fun tonight pretty girl?" The guy closest to me asks. I turn to look at him and through blurry eyes he's kind of cute. He's tall and built like a runner. "There's a contest on tonight. A sing off and the winner gets to walk away with a ton of cash. I can enter us if you like."

"I'm up for it." Zoey yells over to us.

"That wouldn't be fair Zoey. You're in a rock band." Katherine shouts over the music at her.

"I've been here before it's not singing. We have to mime the words of a song and act up to get the crowd on our side." Zoey defends and clarifies at the same time.

"Well, that sounds easy enough," cute guy says smiling.

I think he might have said his name is Shaun or something but I'm too buzzed to remember. I'll just stick to calling him cute guy.

"Let's do it." I agreed.

Cute guy winks the acknowledgment and it does nothing to me. I guess it's just Corey's then. After that thought, I have a drink then another. Why did I have to think about him now.

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