New Start

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                                                          Liaison Chapter-27 

"Last service! Two fillet mignon, one fish, two chicken and one medium well." Our head chef shouts down the line. 

"Yes chef!" We sing our acknowledgment in unison back to him.

"Six minutes till fish!" I shout to the others.

Firing up my station, I throw the bass in the pan where I let the fish fry on each side for six minutes then I get started on the sauce

"Chicken going to the pass now!" Danique calls out ten minutes later from the meat station.

"Fish ready!" I fired out quickly wiping the plate of any stray juices before I drop it off at the pass.

"Very good Liaison, well-done." My head chef compliments and I bask in it.

I've been working at Lenny's, a five-star restaurant for the last six months. It's in a busy area of the city and only the fanciest comes here.

After I left Corey's house, I went to the train station with intentions to get on the first train that leads away from Bristol, but when I saw this place advertising with an apprenticeship programme, I leapt and grab the opportunity. Now here I am, working my butt off doing long hours and filling in on the different positions when it's needed in the restaurant.

The work is tiring but I love it. All the chefs get along and the owner appreciates his staff as we seem to impress him with our skills.

A few weeks ago, the restaurant had a review. Good things were said about the food and one amazing comment about the coffee, my coffee.

During my interview, Lenny asked me to make something that may impress his diner. It was nerve racking being put on the spot and the coffee was the only thing that came to mind, and when Lenny tried it, he approved me straight away and said that he would add my coffee in the morning menu to see how it goes down, and low and behold, everyone loves it.

"That's it everyone, we've completed tonight's service and without hiccups. Well-done guys."

Lenny does this often. He gives us props when it's due. He never lets us go home feeling bad if a we had a shitty service, and he always tells us when a job is done well. Sometimes, he will point out where things can be improved if it's needed but he always makes sure that we're ok.

As we walk away from our stations, I chime in with the praises that we're dishing out to each other. "Well-done guys."

Untying the greasy apron from around my neck. I just have enough time to take a quick bathroom break before I have to work the bar.


"What can I get you?" I ask the couple sitting at the bar.

Their in a heated conversation but they stop at my question. The man orders without looking at me. "She'll have a gin and tonic. Vodka, no ice for me."

It still amazes me how rude some people are but I smile and take his order. When I return with the drinks, the woman is crying, and he's trying to console her. Out of awkwardness I quickly move away and tend to the other people who are waiting.


Things slow down around nine when more coffee and tea requests start to come in. It's the best part of my shift because it's like unwinding.

"Are you trying to grind through the steel Lee?" Danique question coming in.

"What? No!"

"Well, it looks like it. It's either that or you have something on your mind. Pay attention girl before you hurt yourself with that thing. Why don't you just use the coffee machine like a normal person?" She tease and I stick my tongue out at her.

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