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                                                                            Corey  Chapter- 20

I've been overseas in Paris for the past two weeks. I'm here with my contractors to oversee the finishing touches to the hotel that I'm building. It's a good investment and things are going according to plan. It will take another six months to finish the construction work, then two months after that, it will be open for business.

I love visiting France, ever since I was a child. The food is great, the people are kind and the cities are superb. The Gothic buildings tells stories about ancient times and the art will make you wonder what the artist thought while he or she painted their masterpieces.

I can't stop thinking about Liaison though. It's all I seem to do these days. I wonder if she would love the cuisines and city as much as I do. I picture the smiles crossing her face as she tours it with me, and I imagine the sounds she would make as I make love to her under the Paris sky. I can't wait to see her. I just have to spend one more night here then I can hand things over to my assistant and leave.

Things hasn't carried on as planned. There's awkwardness. I notice she doesn't hang around anymore and I know why she's doing it; she doesn't want to talk about the scars, which aggravates the intense need in me to find out what happened to her.

"Mr. Parker." Wendy, my personal assistant comes and interrupts my thoughts.

I look up and she's standing in the doorway. "Yes, sorry I was miles away."

"You know... I've never seen you so distracted, and only a woman can distract a man like the way you are.

And if that isn't the truth. "Is there something you need, Wendy?" I'm not in the habit of discussing my personal life with my staff. It's not something that I've done before and I don't plan to start now.

At my question she starts her monologue. "You know I have a son around your age. You remind me of him in some ways."

"Yeah, like how?" I ask curious.

"You both are demanding, too stubborn, and set in your ways to see what's really happening right in front of you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I know it's not my place, but I'm your P.A, and I see or hear most of the things that goes on in your office."

I start to bristle because if she's referring to Beth's visits, it's none of her Goddamn business what I do in my office.

"No, my boy. I'm not talking about that, but while we are on the subject, maybe it's not wise to string her along."

Wendy calls me out and I go to tell her to mind her business, but she carries on oblivious that I'm about to give her a piece of my mind.

"Settle down honey. It's your company and you can do whatever you like...but take it from an old woman. If, she's not the woman who has you so distracted, maybe it's time to cut ties. Hmm?"

When I don't reply, she looks over the frame of her glasses and smile. "There's a woman on the phone, she told me her name is Liaison. She's asking to speak with you... immediately. I told her you were busy, but she's adamant."

Wendy must have seen the excitement on my face because her smile widens. "I'm taking it that you want to speak with her then?"

Deflecting, I say, "did she say why she was calling?"

"No, my dear, just that it's important and it cannot wait."

It's unusual for Liaison to contact me and I wonder what it could be about. I don't have anything pressing to do now so I tell Wendy to put her through. She smiles knowingly as she leaves to carry out my order.

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