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                                       Liaison Chapter 35

The boutique that I'm in is fancy, just like the shop assistant who's coming towards me. When she gets near, she holds out her manicured hand for me to shake. She's tall and bony with platinum hair that's kept in a sleek bun at the base of her neck. The purple pencil skirt set that she's wearing compliments her very well and her shoes are to die for.

"Hi, Mrs. Parker, I'm Sophie. I'll be assisting you with everything that you'll need today. Just say the word, and I will nip, tuck or fetch it for you."

"It's Harris," I say correcting her.

I also had to do it in the other boutiques and at the spa too. Everywhere I've been today, it's Mrs. Parker this or Mrs. Parker that. I'm so sick of it.

"Oh sorry... are you not Mr. Parker's wife? Have I got the wrong person?" Sophie asks confused.

"Yes...No, I mean, you have the right person, but I'm not Mr. Parker's wife. I'm more of an acquaintance."

When I say acquaintance, probably a word I shouldn't have used, she looks at me disapproving, and immediately, I know why and what she's thinking.

"Nooo.... I'm not that sort of acquaintance. I just mean, I'm not his wife. We're just good friends."

My clarification doesn't sit well either but Sophie's professional and the smile she lost before slowly appears again.

"Well Miss Harris, I have some dresses that I want you to see. I'm instructed to have you pick three along with anything else. Right this way please."

I follow her to a changing room at the back of the boutique. It's not an ordinary changing room either. The room looks like an actual bedroom. It has a bed, furniture, and everything that's supposed to be inside of a bedroom. I've never seen anything like it.

"A lot of our first-time shoppers usually have the same reaction when they see our changing rooms... Sit, sit, so we can get started. Can I get you anything to drink before we do?"

"Umm... water will be fine thanks." I answer in awe. "I can see why people get amazed. The room is remarkable."

"Thanks. We get that a lot."

"But...uhm, aren't you worried about people falling asleep in here or worst, taking stuff?" I whisper the end like someone can hear me through the thick solid walls.

"Actually, that happened before...not the stealing part."

"What happened?"

Laughing Sophie says, "It's not that interesting but a woman came in once, drunk as a ding bat. She wanted to try on some pieces before she bought them, but she fell asleep in one of the changing rooms. When we woke her, she said it was the best sleep she ever had, and since then, said woman is now one of our regular shoppers."

I laugh as Sophie hands me a bottle of water. She's laughing too and it's infectious. When she's done, she walks over to a cabinet and pull out a small black case. "I'll take your measurements then I'll get the dresses," she says coming back.

She opens the case and there are all types of pins, needles, different colors of cottons and threads and a tape measurer in the box. She takes the tape measurer out to take my size then she leaves to get the dresses.

Left alone, I wander around the room. It's truly amazing how they set this place up for comfort. I'm drawn to the bookshelf in the corner and I go over to look at the titles, as I do , my phone starts buzzing in my front pocket and I answer without checking the screen.

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