Ivor replied.

"Do you think she has anything to do with Elmer ?"

Ezra asked.

"I do not know"

Was his reply.

"Thank you for telling me this , you better get some rest because you look awful"

The dark haired knight said as he got up and walked towards the door then left the room.

'I should tell him the truth soon' Ivor thought. 

Hawk's dagger was pointed on Elmer's neck who stood in shock unable to react since it happened so fast.

"That would have been a kill"

Hawk said as he stepped back.

"You caught me off guard"

The prince replied.

He then took his cape off and held Hiram's sword tightly between his hands as he stood in position.

Their eyes were pointed on each other , trying to figure out when the other person will move , how and where will they be aiming to attack.

Hawk moved all of a sudden running as fast as he could towards the prince , even though he was fast Elmer dealt with Aylin before and so he was able to dodge it by stepping back.

'He is so serious now' The prince thought.

Hawk's attack did not end there since he kept swinging his daggers while all the prince could do was stepping back and trying to dodge as many as he could because he did not have time to fight back.

He then remembered Aylin's words 'Find their weakness'.

Elmer tried to focus more on the way Hawk was moving while still defending himself.

He noticed that Hawk mostly used his right arm because his left arm's movements were not as fast.

That was the gap.

When he swung his dagger using his right arm Elmer found his chance to try and hit the other one.

It was a success but he did not expect to see blood...

"Hawk !"

The prince shouted and ran towards the man who was seriously hurt ever though Elmer only used his sword's grip.

''Are you alright ? since when have you been injured ?''

Elmer asked while checking on Hawk after he noticed the bandages on his hand.

He had no idea that the man standing in front of him almost dies in a mission right before destiny brought them back together.

''I am alright, I'm more surprised that you found out about it''

Hawk smiled as he said.

''I really am sorry''

Elmer felt really bad about what he did but Hawk only saw the same old child sulking about the same old little things and so he could not stop himself from laughing.

''Why are you laughing ?''

But Elmer was never able to know.

The prince immediately ripped one of his shirts and used it to stop the bleeding, Hawk did not move or say anything as if he was unable of feeling the pain, he was just glad that Elmer was there.

The child of the first family he ever had, the man who saved him and gave him a name and a life, he could not be more thankful to see that.

''Does it still hurt?''

Elmer wondered.

''I have been through the worse so stop treating me like a weak old man''

Hawk complained.

''Well I did win''

The first prince mumbled.

Hawk heard that but he was still smiling, he did not expect Elmer to analyze his moves in a very short time.

''I will take you once I am healed prince charming''

Hawk said and started laughing.

Elmer as well joined in as he could not wait for their next battle.

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