Chapter 11

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„Here is your pass for the concert for the concert on Friday." The youngest handed her the laminated ticket on a lanyard.

„Thank you so much." Danbi smiled and put it inside her bag. She had been back at JYP Entertainment to go over the edited footage with her team and Division One before the show would air on YouTube.

"Minho can come as well," Chan told her. "If he is free. He is filming the Netflix series at the moment, he talked about. isn't he?"

"Yes, I will ask him. Knowing him, he will find a way to clear his schedule to be there." Danbi smiled, remembering how fond her older brother had been after their late-night walk.

"Are you nervous?" She leaned back into the black couch, watching the eight.

Minho was dancing with Hyunjin and Felix to the music that played ever since Jisung had picked her up with Changbin after the meeting was over.
She was a bit flustered that all eight wanted to spend their free time between their schedule with her.

Jisung sat beside her, Changbin with Jeongin on the floor in front of her and Seungmin on her other side. Chan stood behind the two on the floor.

"More excited than nervous. I wanted to see Stay like this for so long again." Jeongin beamed, his grin making the fox-like eyes disappear.
The others nodded, having the same huge smile on their faces.

"A lot of dates are sold out. It's mind-blowing to me what is happening with the album debuting at Number 1 on Billboard." Chan was overwhelmed, "I can't wrap my head around it."

He looked at her. Danbi nodded and smiled, her way of telling him again that they made it and no one could deny their success, it was only the beginning.

✧・゚: * ✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧

"Let's wrap up for today," Chan looked through the mirror at his exhausted members on the floor. All of them lay on the cool ground, breathing heavily.

His eyes wandered from them to the female sitting on the couch in the corner of the room, shoes slipped off and legs pulled up. Her laptop rested in front of her while she used an iPad to edit.

A little habit of hers, Chan had noticed while they practised, was how she tilted her head ever so slightly before pushing the huge glasses up and furrowed the brow in concentration.

Adorable sight.

Somehow Jisung had probed the slightly younger female unto staying after finding out she could finish her work for the day from anywhere.
He also invited her to join them for dinner at their dorm as their schedule ended early.

The rest of the boys were excited. Minho had promised to cook for all of them with the promotions coming to an end and the tour starting in a few days. And now they had a guest.

Everyone enjoyed the company of hers.  Her input and sight on things as someone who knew how things worked without being a part of it.
They could talk freely about everything on their mind, knowing their secrets were safe with her.

"Bi, we are done for today." Felix had walked up to the younger and tapped her shoulder. Being in her zone, Danbi jumped at the sudden physical touch and looked up at the blonde.

"Oh, that's great." She turned off the device in her hand and got up. "Did you finish your work?" Chan came closer and handed the pair bottles of water. 

"It's almost done. I can finish that tomorrow morning. I seem to have a creative block right now and can't pinpoint what needs to be changed in order to satisfy me." Danbi explained and packed the electronics inside her bag.

"Let's go when everyone is ready." She smiled at the older, hoping to reassure him that it was fine.
She had still enough time to finish editing the final files.

Chan let it slip, unsure if he was happy with that answer. He knew none of the members would be mad if they stayed longer for her to get it done.

"Let's meet downstairs at the car park." Minho and Jisung had already packed everything up while the rest still sat on the ground, looking exhausted.

The leader nodded. "I need to pick up my laptop from the studio. Don't wait for me. Drive home as soon as the car is full."

Danbi watched the second oldest tilt their head. "I hope you will just pick it up and not finish something." He reminded the leader of the promise to eat dinner together.

The leader nodded. "I will just go up and get it."

"I came with a separate car, so I would need someone to tell me the address. I will make sure that Chan just gets the laptop and we will be right behind you." Danbi winked, making everyone chuckle.

"Deal. See you later."

Minho and Jisung collected the rest of the members from the ground. The seven left the room, the door closing shut behind them, cutting off the exhausted complaints.

Danbi smiled at the leader. "Let's go."

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