'Who Is He After ?'

Start from the beginning

"You know they put something in our food yesterday"

Hawk said.

"I know"

Elmer replied.

"So why did you not ask about it when we gained consciousness again ?"

Hawk asked.

The first prince sighed before replying,

"They figured it out by themselves which is good"

"If that food was poisoned it would not be good !"

Hawk shouted.

"I guess you are right"

Elmer as he smiled.

"Let's just go"

Hawk said as he offered his hand to the prince who happily grabbed it as they walked to get their horses and get ready to leave.

"You are leaving too ?"

Luna asked.

Seems like she just woke up and once she saw him outside from her window she rushed downstairs and stepped outside.

The hunter walked towards her and held tightly between his arms.

"Yes , I am sorry"

He said.

She smiled replying,

"You do not have to apologize just remember to come back"

Hawk and the prince were both on their horses starting to head out of that village.

Venator's voice stopped them.

"Do you have something you want me to deliver for you ?"

He asked.

Elmer thought about it for a while while making such a serious face then replied,

"Just tell them that I will be alright !"

He smiled as if he was not kicked out of the palace , as if the king does not want him dead and no one was after his head.

He was finally free , nothing was suffocating him , he could finally face himself and his people.

"I am sorry for hurting you"

The hunter said.

"That is alright ! You made me realize something very important that day"

The prince replied.

They then walked on their path as the hunter started heading back towards the palace as he thought 'I feel better now'.

"By the way , why did he apologize ?"

Hawk suddenly asked.

"He just stabbed me"

Elmer simply said.

"That is not a laughing matter !"

Hawk yelled.

"But thanks to him I realized how weak I am and started working on it"

The prince explained.

"You do not look weak to me"

Hawk said.

"Do you want to help me train ?"

Elmer asked.

"I will not go easy on you"

Hawk replied.

"That is good to hear"

The prince said.

He has some dark cycles from the lack of sleep , his face was swollen because of Leo and he looked weaker than usual.

Ivor had a lot in mind.

'We did not receive a reply from Petra yet , I doubled the guards on our borders in case they choose war but still I wish we never get there'

Someone interrupted his thoughts as they walked in without even knocking on the door.

"Where are your manners ?"

Ivor asked Ezra who walked towards him and sat on the empty chair.

"I am in a hurry"

The knight replied before he finally noticed Ivor's face.

"What happened to your face ?"

He yelled.

"Shut up , I am working right now just tell me what you need"

The advisor replied and for the first time he was not forcing that fake smile on his pale face.

"Did he do this to you ?"

Ezra asked.

"He did , what are you going to do about it ?"

He finally smiled replying.

His smile only provoked the dark haired knight more and more.

"I told you that he does not deserve your loyalty but you will never listen to me"

He yelled.


Ivor slammed the desk , got up and yelled back.

He then took a deep breath and sat back down and tries to calmly talk to him.

"Do not be irresponsible ! If anyone hears what you are saying you will be killed , you are finally out of his threat zone so please do not ruin it"

He said.

Ezra did not know what to say , it has been on his mind for years , why would his friend choose Leo's side after Hiram's death , why would he betray them knowing that Leo was responsible and had a hand in it but he could never find and answer.

"I just wanted to ask you if Leo is after anyone else other than Elmer"

He said.

"He is after this one girl but I do not know why , her name is Ida"

Ivor replied...

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