Father and Son

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Aemon Targaryen

As soon as Rhaenys left the chamber, Aemon was left to ponder over the reason his sister wanted to talk with Val. He watched as his sister walked away, her long hair swaying with each step she took. Aemon couldn't help but wonder what was so important that his sister refused to share with him, especially after spending time with Rhaenys. He tried to brush off the thought, but the curiosity lingered in his mind like a persistent shadow.

Aemon's thoughts eventually went to the second dragon Aegarax warned him about. He wondered who this dragon could be. A part of him hoping that it was Sheepstealer or a new Dragon. However, there was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind, a sense of dread that perhaps it might be the terrifying Cannibal, a dragon known for its insatiable appetite for its own kind. Despite this fear, Aemon couldn't help but feel a sense of thrill at the prospect of encountering another dragon. Cannibal was said to be responsible for killing Grey Ghost, who had been a wild dragon but a peaceful one.

Aemon didn't want to know what would happen if Cannibal attacked him, and if it were indeed him, his size would be enormous. A dragon of that size and power, and no one had ever been able to tame him.

As he sat in his room, surrounded by the silence of the midday, he was startled by a sudden knock on the door. His heart skipped a beat as he turned his head towards the sound, wondering who could be visiting. The door slowly creaked open, revealing the sliver hair of his father.

"Aemon." His father called him with a warm, welcoming smile. Aemon moved his legs over the edge of his bed before standing up.

As the door creaked open, his father stepped inside the dimly lit room and made his way toward the bed. With each step, his father's footsteps echoed through the room's silence.

With a gentle touch, he closed the door behind him, not wanting to disturb the peacefulness of the moment. As he leaned down, he placed a loving kiss on his son's forehead, a reassuring gesture that conveyed more than words could ever express. Aemon felt warmth spreading in his chest. He was happy that King Rhaegar wanted to spend time with him.

Rhaegar, with a gentle smile on his face, asked his son, "Did you enjoy your time with Aegon, Rhaenys, and Dany?" He then maneuvered his way from the bed, grabbing a chair before placing it near him. The room was filled with the scent of fresh flowers, and the gentle sound of the wind rustling through the trees outside could be heard. The light from the sun flickered softly, casting a warm and cozy glow around the room. Arthur had already told him everything, but he wanted to hear it from Aemon's mouth.

"I enjoyed it, your gr-Father. Aegon is good with riding a horse." Aemon spoke of his time around the Trident, leaving out certain unimportant parts, like his ride with Daenerys. His aunt could be quite persistent. Aemon knew he would be lying if he denied Dany's alluring charm, for she possessed a radiance that could light up the darkest of nights. A True Valyrian Beauty.

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