Reunion with The Starks

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The Following NINE Chapters are avaliable for Patrons.

Chapter 32 (Night at Winterfell), Chapter 33 (A Tourney), Chapter 34 (Ned's Regrets), Chapter 35 (Direwolves of House Stark), Chapter 36 (No Time Left), Chapter 37 (A Wildling's Life), Chapter 38 (Crow's Eye), Chapter 39 (To The South), and Chapter 40 (White Harbor) are already available for Patrons.

The Link is in my Profile.

Ned Stark

Ned thought of trying to talk to him again when the hall doors were blasted open, Ser Rodrik walking inside, his face as pale as snow, yet smiling.

"What's the meaning of this?" Ned shouted, standing up from his seat.

"My lord. Your son, Jon Snow, is in front of the gates. He has returned," Ser Rodrik said loud enough for everyone to hear; a gasp reached his ears. Ned felt a rush of different emotions engulfing him like wild flames; before he even knew it, he was already outside of the main hall walking towards the Courtyard, marching forward as all the servants moved out of the way for their lord, behind him was what looked like the entire Stark Family.

Arya ran ahead of him, Catelyn called her name, but the wild girl ignored her mother, her little legs running as fast as they could take her.

Ned, on the other hand, felt relief, anger, anguish, dread, everything; he didn't know which one he felt more but knew he wanted to see Jon, his nephew, to talk to him, to explain and tell him something he should have done a long time ago.

Ned knew there was a slim chance of someone else saying he was his nephew, but Ned quickly dismissed the thought; Ser Rodrik had trained and known his nephew for many years for him to think someone else was Jon Snow.

"Where is he?" Ned demanded to know, thinking if his nephew was already inside or not, Ser Rodrik walking just a little behind him to his right.

"Just behind the gates that lead inside the Courtyard, my lord. I saw him myself; there's not a single doubt that is him." He reported without missing a beat.

Catelyn was standing behind everyone else, her face getting paler the closer they got to the Courtyard, sending small prayers to the seven, hoping that Ser Rodrik had been mistaken and this one was someone else, anyone but him.

"Please, the Seven, you answered my prayers once. Please tell me this is just a mistake. Please, The Father, The Mother, The Warrior, The Smith, The Maiden, The Crone, and The Stranger," she prayed, mumbling, her words only reaching the septa beside her who was praying like her, hoping for the bastard to be cast away.

A broad smile spread across Robb's face, a genuine one he hadn't had for some time. Theon was good company most of the time, but he was nothing compared to his brother; he wondered where he had been, Essos, where in Essos had he seen Bravoss, Myr, Pentos, and many other places that he had only read and heard about.

Robb wondered if Jon had gotten better in swordfighting; the last time they fought, he had lost against him, but now, Robb was convinced he could beat his brother, he had trained relentlessly for so many years, and he was the future lord of Winterfell, he knew he was going to win. Everything was in his favor.

Despite not having the best friendship, even Sansa was quite looking forward to seeing Jon. She wondered if he had brought any gifts for them.

Ned noticed that Benjen hadn't spoken a word since they were informed; he wondered what was going through his brother's mind; he knew his brother would want to tell Jon the truth, but No.

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