A Wildling's Life

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The Following TEN Chapters are avaliable for Patrons.

Chapter 38 (Crow's Eye), Chapter 39 (To The South), Chapter 40 (White Harbor), Chapter 41 (A Bear's Roar), Chapter 42 (Where it All Began), Chapter 43 (Harrenhal), Chapter 44 (A Feast and A Queen), Chapter 45 (Queen Rhaella and The Hidden Prince), Chapter 46 (My Name is Aemon Targaryen), and Chapter 47 (Jenny of Old Stone) are already available for Patrons.

The Link is in my Profile.


The sword pierced through the empty cold air of God's Wood. The prince gripped the pummel of his sword, both of them, Wolf's Blood on his right and Dark Sister on his left, a strong grip on both of them; he wasn't yet that familiar with Two Sword Style. Whenever he tried to use both of his hands, his mind would only use his right hand; his left hand would barely move; after several tries of failure, Jon understood he would need to read books, practice for months and years, and ask someone who knows how to use Two Sword Style into teaching him.

The only one that he could think of being capable of teaching was Ser Arthur Dayne. Jon felt his heart beat faster at the thought of the Legendary Swordsman; it was said he was the best swordsman ever to exist, even better than Daemon Targaryen, Daemon Blackfyre, Barristan Selmy in his prime, Aemon the Dragonknight, Ryam Redwyne, and many others.

Jon didn't know who was stronger, and there was no way of ever knowing the truth, but the prince knew Arthur could teach him Two Sword Style, which was one of the hardest ways of sword fighting, many who had tried had accidentally lost their arms by moving their swords without much thought.

Jon could already see it; fighting against Ser Arthur Dayne would be a dream come true; whenever or not he won didn't matter as long as he put up a good enough fight and did not lose within ten seconds.

The thought of Arthur Dayne made his mind go to his real family. Jon wasn't sure how to even feel about them. All he knew of them was what he heard from people, tales, and rumors—all of them, people with names but no faces.

Rhaegar Targaryen was considered the best king since Jaehaerys Targaryen due to his ability to save the Kingdom and bring peace after Aerys Targaryen II.

Jon didn't know anything about his biological father other than words, tales of his braveness, and his smart mind. One thing he knew for sure was his singing voice came from his father; before knowing the truth, Jon had wondered quite often from who he inherited his singing voice; he knew there was a chance of simply being good at it. But now he knew his voice, which was from his father.

Jon wondered what else he had inherited from the King; he and Arya were the only ones who looked like Starks; Jon wondered if there was nothing else he got from his Targaryen side. Everyone in Winterfell always said he looked like a Stark.

The young prince sheathed his swords; the scabbard of Wolf's blood looked as beautiful as the sword inside, white as snow, with blue streamlines that made it look like winds blowing in a white field; at the top was a Blue Wolf's eye, Jon felt uncomfortable looking at it, reminding him of the blue eye of the White Walker beyond the Wall.

Jon sat in the root of the Weirwood Trees; Arya was secretly training with Val since Lady Stark would be furious if she caught Arya training instead of acting like a Lady and stewing with Sansa; Ghost had tagged along; he had gotten very protective with Val, growling at whoever looked like a slight threat. The thought of his little sister brought a broad smile to Jon's face.

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