Queen Rhaella and The Hidden Prince

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Chapter 46 (My Name is Aemon  Targaryen), Chapter 47 (Jenny of Old Stone), Chapter 48 (A Sister's  Love), Chapter 49 (Arianne's Passion), Chapter 50 (Trial by Combat), Chapter 51 (Happiness), Chapter 52 (The Calm), Chapter 53 (The Melee),  Chapter 54 (Family Reunion), Chapter 55 (The Dragonbinder Horn), Chapter 56 (Family Bonding), Chapter 57 (A Bond Between Siblings), Chapter 58 (Father and Son), Chapter 59 (A Targaryen Love) are already available for Patrons.

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Rhaella Targaryen

Throughout her whole life, since she had reached twelve name days, Rhaella had faced challenge after challenge, first starting with Bonifer Hasty, her loyal knight. She had met him in a tourney, and like young fools, they had been at the time, they had fallen in love right away, but just like every beautiful thing in life, that one had to end. Once it was announced that she would marry her brother Aerys Targaryen. Everything between them ended just like that.

She and her lover had been devastated, to the point that he wanted both of them to run away to Essos, away from Westeros, and start a new life together.

"Run away with me," he blurts out when Rhaella tells him that her royal grandsire has commanded her to wed her brother. "We'll go to Braavos, or Myr, or Pentos. Anywhere."

But Rhaella shook her head, tears streaming down her face.

"I have a duty," she sobs, and Bonifer knows those are King Aegon's words in Rhaella's mouth. "A duty to the realm and my family."

He wanted to reach out and hold her. To take her into his arms and stroke her hair and kiss her brow until her sobs quiet.

His arms ache to hold her, stroke her hair, tell her that it will be okay, that it will be fine, that they will find a way, but he is suddenly, sharply, aware that she is not his, that she could never be his.

That day, Rhaella and Bonifer had slept one last time together before he stopped being her lover. After that night, Bonifer always looked after her from the shadows. The man served her still, but since that day, he had never laid with her again.

When the rebellion started, Rhaella had been at the end of her rope, pregnant with Daenerys. She felt this would be the end; she felt in her bones that she could no longer live. She was weak and could hardly keep pushing forward. One night, she gathered enough confidence. Even if this were the end of her, she would at least bring a new life to the world.

"Even if I die, you will get to live. My daughter." Rhaella had whispered, stoking her swollen belly. Each day that passed in Dragonstone, she felt weaker and weaker.

But one day, it ended like lightning up a candle in a dark room. The strength in her body returned, she couldn't clearly remember what she had dreamed of, but she remembered a crow with grey eyes looking at her from a window. She had dreamed of herself dying birthing Daenerys, but in that dream, the crow had looked upon her eyes, the Grey eyes of the crow.

That's all Rhaella remembered from the dream. She couldn't remember if the crow did anything, only that when she woke up the following morning, she felt strength like never before as if every wound and physical pain had disappeared overnight.

The morning after the dream, she received words from the capital. Her son had won in the trident, and Arthur Dayne had slain Robert Baratheon in single combat. The kingdom was already singing songs of the duel, the Knights of Stars they called him, the man who defeated Robert 'The Demon'.

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