Treason, and Lies

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Rhaella Targaryen

Her name was known throughout the whole Seven Kingdoms; some only knew her as the wife of the Mad King, and many tended to pity her for having such a sick horrible husband, but to the lords around Westeros, she was known for an entirely different thing.

"Any news from the Tyrell convoy?" She asked sharply towards Ser Barristan, who bowed his head respectfully.

"No, your grace, the Nameless murmurs nothing of it; the last information he sent was that Olenna Tyrell is coming as well, along with Lady Margaery Tyrell," Ser Barristan replied; he knew the ones he needed to mention, the old knight didn't see himself as a man of politics, but he hadn't been a commander for so many years and learned nothing about politics, the hidden meanings behind words and their little games, their informer had sent them information that House Tyrell was coming towards King's Landing, but the informer had told him that they were bringing a massive convoy of, food, water, and all kinds of supplies, it was enough food to feed an army for a month.

Rhaella didn't react to the information; she simply grabbed a small dragon figure; it was a simple but beautiful decoration made out of wood and silver; the carving was on point at every part, and the little details such as small scales across the head, small but sharp, she ran her finger across the wooden surface bathed in red color, not facing the old knight before speaking.

"Are they bringing Lord Willas as well?" She asked with a blank tone.

"No, your grace,"

A ghost of a smile formed on her face; it seemed Olenna had learned from her last visit.

"Lord Hightower has a good son as well, Lady Olenna, and if I'm not mistaken, it has been only a few years since Lord Hightower openly spoke against your son, he has a beautiful daughter too," Rhaella spoke, her voice void of emotions, and so were her eyes, but that wasn't the same for Olenna, whose face turned slightly red. Rhaella noticed her index finger twitching a bit before grabbing the cup filled with wine a bit too tightly.

"Indeed, perhaps; how about Margaery? She's of age after all," Olenna spoke, her voice softer and calmer.

"She can come to the capital, get to know Aegon and Rhaenys," Rhaella replied, taking a sip from her cup, hiding a smile forming on her lips.

"Good," she murmured softly, returning back the wooden dragon figure, turning to fully face the old knight.

"Anything else interesting has happened in Westeros?" She questioned, still standing on her feet; her loyal knight was standing due to rules, so neither did she.

"Nameless speaks of Joffrey Tully, apparently he ordered the mountain to kill a boy of seven name days after one of the boy's goats shat on one of his boots," Barristan replied grimly, his face that usually was calm now with anger behind his eyes.

Rhaella's smile disappeared, and her face turned stoic; she had decided to accept Tywin's wishes to marry his daughter to Hoster Tully's son solely because even she knew that her husband had wronged him, therefore perhaps a small gesture of good faith could no longer make him an enemy, and not to mention Ser Jaime Lannister now was the official Lord of Westerlands.

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