Family Bonding

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Hello Drinor Here, If   you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters  earlier,   head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

The Following 16 Chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 57 (A  Bond Between Siblings), Chapter 58   (Father and Son), Chapter 59 (A  Targaryen Love), Chapter 60 (The Quiet   Wolf), Chapter 61 (Mother and  Son), Chapter 62 (A Night of Passion),  Chapter 63 (Silverwing and  Morning), Chapter 64 (The Jousting), Chapter  65 (A Dragon of House  Targaryen), Chapter 66 (A Threat or Salvation),  Chapter 67 (Cannibal,  The Wild Dragon), Chapter 68 (Daenerys, The   Dragon Princess), Chapter  69 (A Golden Flower), Chapter 70 (Tears of  Direwolves), Chapter 71 (A Stark Without A Direwolf), and Chapter 72 (A  Princess's Night) are already  available for Patrons.

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Rhaegar Targaryen

After his son left, Rhaegar told his children, little brother, and sister, to go to their chambers. What he wanted to discuss with his mother and Elia wasn't something they needed to be here for. They reluctantly followed his order, especially Rhaenys, for some reason.

Rhaegar briefly remembered the way she held his hand during the dinner. He wondered if he was missing something here. As far as he knew, this was the first time Rhaenys was meeting Aemon, so why show so much affection towards him? Of course, Rhaegar had nothing against it, he wanted Aemon to feel as welcomed as possible, but the way Rhaenys had gazed at him, the way she had held his hand, the way she smiled with affection, Rhaegar had never seen her smile like that to a boy before. Rhaegar knew that wasn't the proper way to look at a sibling, he knew they were Targaryens, but Dragons were no more, and Rhaegar himself had told Elia that he would stop brother/sister marriages.

Rhaegar wondered wherever he should talk with Rhaenys or Elia. His wife perhaps knew something he didn't. Perhaps she would either convince Rhaenys that Aemon was her brother or convince me that if they love each other. I shouldn't get in their way, Rhaegar thought, with a thoughtful look on his face, dropping on his chair with a huff. He felt exhausted, his back leaning against the back of the chair. He took a deep breath, his fingers going through his hair.

A part of him still couldn't believe that this was real. He thought that he would wake up at any moment from this dream, a beautiful dream, he thought, his lips twitching. Closing his eyes, her face was right in front of him. He could see the similarities were as clear as day. He wondered how he hadn't noticed before; Aemon looked exactly like Lyanna. He had taken everything after her. A boy so beautiful and pure. Just like her.

A growl escaped his mouth, the fire in the hearth burned brighter with him as if feeling Rhaegar's anger inside his heart; his fingers squeezed the arm of the chair, the wood hurting his skin, his teeth clenched together, as he saw his face in front of him, the face of the man that had lied to him, had lied to him about Lyanna's son, my son, a voice reminded, a part of him wanted to personally find Eddard Stark right now and punch him until he couldn't be recognized, he would have his head, I will personally cut his head off, Rhaegar thought, his blood boiling, his hands squeezed the arm of the chair even more, causing it to creak, all he could see was his face, lying through his teeth like a snake.

"I'm sorry, your grace, but my sister died giving birth, she And the little Girl, she was stillborn,"

Rhaegar's breath rapid. He felt like throwing something to the wall, everything. When he felt the gentle touch of Elia, looking up at her, he saw the way she was looking at him, with sadness and a hint of concern. He felt himself calming down. How much she could help just by a single touch.

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