The Wall

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Ned Stark

It had been a month since his son left Winterfell; Arya hadn't been the same since he left; she had been crying for weeks now, calling out for Jon, sometimes looking at the Winterfell's gate for hours expecting Jon to walk inside any moment.

He wasn't the only one that had left; the same was for Ghost and Kessa; the lord of Winterfell had tried to spot the Blue Eagle flying over the forest like she usually did but couldn't see her anywhere.

Robb wasn't in a better state; he had completely shut himself from everyone; he didn't cry like Arya, but he went completely silent, Theon had tried to take him outside and spar, but the young wolf didn't care to spar with him.

Ned had hoped that Swordfighting would somehow distract him, but that didn't really work. Robb had only asked Ned once why Jon would leave. The lord of Winterfell didn't really know how to answer.

Bran was still little, but even he knew something had happened, often crying when he saw the sad faces of his siblings.

Sasha didn't have much reaction; in the first week, she looked visibly disturbed and sad, but that quickly faded; now, she was acting as if nothing had changed.

Catelyn had not attempted to hide that she was happy with what happened; every time Ned encountered her, he saw her with a bright smile on her face; during dinner, she would try to talk to Robb and Arya, saying that they shouldn't get sad, or that the bastard had made the decision himself, with Sansa remarking.

Mother's right; he probably went to live with his wild beasts in the forest

That had resulted in Arya throwing a pie at her face before throwing herself like an arrow at Sansa, hitting her, resulting in small scratches on Sansa's face, Ned would have been happy if that was it, but No, The following day, Arya literally burned Sansa's favorite dress, right in front of her.

Sansa had just walked inside her chamber, only to see Arya holding her dress in her hands.

"What do you think you're doing, Horseface?" Sansa screeched; Arya simply smirked innocently before throwing the dress at the fireplace.

Arya had been grounded and forced to listen to Septa Mordana's meaningless words about being a Lady for hours. All Arya had to say was that it was worth it and would do it over again.

Ned, on the other hand, didn't know what else to feel but self-loathing; if only he had not taken Jon from his family, none of this would have happened.

Jon would have been happy with his family and not out there, alone and probably dead; Ned quickly shook that thought away. No, his nephew wouldn't go down that easily; he was special; he would not die alone somewhere with no one around to be with him and to hear his final words.

Ned felt headaches after headaches; since his disappearance, he had basically alerted the whole North to search for him, sending a letter to the lords he trusted the most and one to House Manderly. In his letter, Jon has written that he was going all the way to Braavos to have a chance in Life.

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