Trial by Combat

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Hello Drinor Here, If  you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier,  head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

The Following 15 Chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 51  (Happiness), Chapter 52 (The Calm), Chapter 53 (The Melee), Chapter 54  (Family Reunion), Chapter 55 (The Dragonbinder Horn), Chapter 56 (Family  Bonding), Chapter 57 (A Bond Between Siblings), Chapter 58 (Father and  Son), Chapter 59 (A Targaryen Love), Chapter 60 (The Quiet Wolf),  Chapter 61 (Mother and Son), Chapter 62 (A Night of Passion), Chapter 63 (Silverwing and Morning), Chapter 64 (The Jousting), and Chapter 65 (A Dragon of House Targaryen) are already available for Patrons.

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Ned Stark

It had been years, over a decade, yet just being in this place hunted him. He felt as if the castle would crumble on top of him at any moment. Walking around the corridors, looking at the walls, the moon shining through the tiny holes between the bricks, the view outside, and the people, servants, and soldiers doing their errands around the castle. Ned felt like he was suddenly back in time, to be in this place.

"I will never return South," Ned murmured under his breath as he took a turn to his left, the corridor leading him to the garden of Harrenhal.

Ned remembered the promise he had made himself when the rebellion had ended, seeing baby Jon sleeping in his arms. Their party had just passed The White Harbour. Ned had promised himself never to return South, yet, here he was, back where everything had started. If he closed his eyes, he could still hear them, hear Brandon, his father, and Lyanna.

Back then, I was a fool who thought his highest importance would be to serve as a Vassal of my brother, Ned thought bitterly. His throat suddenly felt sour.

It was the first day, not even half a day, yet, Ned wanted to leave already. The heat was suffocating him. He wasn't made for the South. He was made for The North, the True North.

Ned moved his hand through his hair in frustration; seeing the king and the queen again had left him to feel frightened in a way, as if at any moment Rhaegar would see right through him, right through his lies. All Ned could think of were his children.

The King hadn't changed much since the Greyjoy Rebellion. When the king dismissed them, he had to stop himself from walking faster than the others.

Leaving the giant hall, Ned had taken a deep breath to calm himself. After resting, Ned and his family went to the feast. The whole time Ned had felt as if the eyes of everyone were on him, but seeing his children happy that's all he needed to feel better. For a few minutes, he had tried to find her, hoping to see her again, he knew he didn't deserve it, but if he could look at her one more time, that would be more than enough. Sadly, she hadn't been there.

Ned had left the feast earlier, and now he was walking towards the garden, his head full of thoughts. He felt as if either Brandon or Lyanna would jump at him any minute like they used to the last time he had been in Harrenhal.

All smiles died that day, Ned thought, remembering when Rhaegar rode past his wife and crowned Lyanna Queen of Love and Beauty. Ned remembered that day better than he wanted. That day changed everything. That day was the day when Ned had last seen Ashara smiling.

Ned still remembered her face, beautiful, hunting violet eyes, and the broken promise. Ned felt a lump forming in his throat. Every time he thought of her, he remembered his promise, the promise to marry her.

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