Passion Under The Stars

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The Following EIGHT Chapters are avaliable for Patrons.

Chapter 27 (The Truth), Chapter 28 (The Winter Dragon), Chapter 29 (Return to Winterfell), Chapter 30 (Dragon Dreams), Chapter 31 (Reunion with The Starks), Chapter 32 (Night at Winterfell), Chapter 33 (A Tourney), and Chapter 34 (Ned's Regrets) are already available for Patrons.

Jon Snow

"Two at the field in front of us, and three two meters away," Jon spoke, Kessa flying above the clouds, as his eyes turned back to normal. His hands grasped the reins of Ghost, his figure now almost three meters tall; beside him was Val and a small group of hunters, including Ygritte, the free folk woman holding a bow in her hands.

"Let's continue on," Jon commanded firmly as the group slowly rode through a group of trees, a lake in front of them, but not deep to be a problem, the bastard and Val stopped riding before he pointed for the others to take position across the forest near a large rock. Jon whistled, Ygritte aimed her bow at the trees, releasing it, the arrow hit a deer almost a hundred meters away, this caused the rest to start running towards their location, as soon as they were close enough, the bastard left out another's whistle, several arrows hitting the deers trying to run away.

He quickly noticed one of them wasn't wounded or dead. Jon grabbed the reins chasing one that was running away; unfortunately for the deer, Ghost was much faster, soon jumping on top of him; the deer thrashed his legs around; a bite in the neck was all it took, and the deer soon stopped struggling.

"Good job, boy," Jon spoke, patting Ghost in the head; he left out a joyful sound, and a gentle breeze hit his face from the south. The bastard turned his eyes to the wall far away on the horizon; one should be extremely far not to be able to see the Wall; no matter how many times he laid his eyes on it, he still couldn't fathom how people were able to build it without the help of the Dragons.

Val often told him old stories of Free folk, saying how the first men and the giants had built the wall with the help of the children of the forest, no one knew if they still existed, but according to Varamyr, the children of the forest still walked this earth.

Some said that the Free Folk were descended from a group of people that were betrayed by those south of the wall when the wall was built, condemning them to a life of cold and death. Perhaps they had sinned; maybe the old gods themselves had punished them; no one knew for sure.

Jon didn't know who to trust; there were many different sources and no truth in any of them; the truth was simply a matter of perspective, after all.


Returning to the camp, Jon was riding beside Val, talking about the Night's Watch and the lack of crows around the area; it had been two years since he had encountered a man of Night's Watch; the man had tried to attack one of them, the bastard had cut his throat using Dark Sister, but making sure to burn his body.

But after that incident had been complete silence for two years now, Mance was still trying to rally Giants on their side; but they were stubborn and hard to deal with.

Jon wondered if the hunt for the Winter's Horn was foolish and ambitious that needed to rest; the Horn was said to be able to bring down the wall. The bastard wasn't sure if he was comfortable with bringing down the wall, whenever or not the horn could do that; the Wall was what protected the South from the White Walkers if they had been gathering an army for eight thousand years as the free folk seemed to believe, the Wall was the only thing protecting the South.

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