Winter Dragon

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Ned Stark

Ned liked to believe he was in tune with his children's feelings, even when surrounded by other people. When he noticed Robb still sitting to himself at the high table rather than mingling with the other guests like his siblings, he knew something was wrong.

"You're quiet," he commented to his son after leaving the Blackfish and Ser Rodrik. Robb didn't answer him.

"Is something wrong?"

Robb shrugged lightly in response.

"No," he said in a small, quiet voice.

It was one Ned would think more suited to Jon, not Robb. Robb had always been outspoken and loud, boisterous. He could easily lift a room with his smile, but he wore a frown now. When Ned thought of it, he'd been wearing a frown all day.

"I'm your father, I know when you're lying," he retorted, taking a seat next to his son.

Robb was quiet a moment before mumbling something underneath his breath.

"What was that?"

"I said the reason I'm quiet is because Jon hates me."

That took Ned aback. Of all things he knew of Jon Snow, hate towards his siblings was not in his character.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because I said something that hurt his feelings and he is never going to talk to me again."

Ned was sure that wasn't the case, but to a child of seven things probably seemed that binary.

"What happened?" Ned asked instead.

Robb sighed before speaking.

"We were playing monsters and maidens. Jon said he was the Lord of Winterfell, just as well as any other time, but this time when he did, I said he could never be because he was just a bastard," Robb confessed, looking down in shame.

Ned was surprised. That never bothered Robb before.

"I didn't even mean to say it. It just... slipped out. I regretted it as soon as I realized. Patrek and Lyman were there and they started laughing at Jon and he ran away. I talked to Mother about it. She always has good advice. She said that I'm to be the heir to Winterfell and I shouldn't waste my time on a bastard. She said it's an insult to entertain him over Lord Mallister and Lord Darry's sons. She didn't want me to introduce Jon to them and Jon didn't want to offend them, but I made him come play with us anyway."

Ned opened and closed his mouth. He knew Catelyn hated Jon and he knew that southern perception of bastards was harsher than it was in the North. He could understand the ideology behind Catelyn's bids to isolate Jon from their guests, especially since they were Riverlords. Still, he hoped she could put aside her animosity towards Jon for the betterment of the boys' relationship. Maybe that was asking for too much.

"Well, have you tried to talk to Jon since then? Apologize to him?"

"Every time I approach him, he runs away. He doesn't want to talk to me ever again."

"I'm sure he's just confused and hurt. Most probably afraid too."

"Afraid of what?" Robb asked, his nose scrunched in confusion.

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