Dragon Tears

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Chapter 8 (A Tear to Wash it All Away), Chapter 9 (Alone to Die) and Chapter 10 (A Tear for A Prince) are already available for Patrons.

285 AC

Dorne was as beautiful as she remembered it. They had left behind the  muddy roads and stone paths long ago and now there was only hard-packed  orange sand for as far as they could see.

Elia rejoiced but the  children were unsure about this place they were travelling to. Rhaenys,  particularly, stared out the window of the carriage and frowned.


"This is Dorne, my love. I was born here. I grew up here. It's part of who you are, as well. You and your brother." Elia smiled.

The toddler frowned and looked back out the window. But nothing could dampen Elia's mood.

Rhaegar  smiled at her every once in a while, his eyes clearing of his previous  worry the nearer they got to the Water Gardens. Elia had known it would  be good for him to leave King's Landing, but she hadn't expected the  effects to show so soon.

It wasn't long before their carriage and their  retinue pulled through the gates of the palace. The horses brought them  up alongside a magnificent pool of water serving as a feature in front  of the palace, the clear water sparkled like jewels in the sunlight.

Elia  exhaled, Rhaegar forgotten, as she climbed from the  carriage. Immediately, she caught sight of her family. Tears sprang to  her eyes as Oberyn - dressed in a mustard tunic - swept her into his  arms.

She breathed in his sweet orange scent and basked in the  familiarity of his embrace. He cradled the back of her head in his palm  and Elia at once felt at home.

"Thank you for coming, Elia. I was going insane here with just Doran for company."

She laughed, bright and clear. "You two still don't get along?"

"Not without you mediating."

She smiled at her brother and the two of them parted to give her a chance to greet Doran and his wife - Lady Mellario.

Doran  embraced her first, and Elia felt as she had when she was small. Her  older brother kissed her temple as they parted and Mellario took his  place. Elia hugged her friend and then Arianne. She greeted little  Quentyn with a kiss on his head.

When she had greeted each of her  family members she turned back to the carriage to find her children. Aegon and Rhaenys were holding hands, the two eyeing Arianne in  particular. Oberyn approached them first.

"Uncle Oberyn," Rhaenys said smiling running blindly at Oberyn's arms who hugged her close.

Aegon on the other hand who was only two name days looked confused and lost, not recognising Oberyn or anyone around him except his mother, father and Rhaenys.

"How is my little princess, let me look at you," Oberyn spoke sweetly before pulling her away and looking at her face closely.

"You will become the mos beautiful princess in the world," Oberyn said with Rhaenys giggling, Aegon had rushed at Elia after Rhaenys had run towards Oberyn.

He was standing close to Elia, his little hand holding on Elia's dress, looking a bit afraid.

Rhaenys moved to greet Princess Arianne as Oberyn moved towards Elia and Aegon, the little prince seemed to be intimidated by the Viper Prince, he left a small cry before hiding behind Elia, holding her dress tightly.

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