No Time Left

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Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

The Following TEN Chapters are avaliable for Patrons.

Chapter 37 (A Wildling's Life), Chapter 38 (Crow's Eye), Chapter 39 (To The South), Chapter 40 (White Harbor), Chapter 41 (A Bear's Roar), Chapter 42 (Where it All Began), Chapter 43 (Harrenhal), Chapter 44 (A Feast and A Queen), Chapter 45 (Queen Rhaella and The Hidden Prince), and Chapter 46 (My Name is Aemon Targaryen) are already available for Patrons.

The Link is in my Profile.

Arya Stark

Arya came wandering outside with Nymeria by her side, scuffing her feet along the ground, and meandered over to where Jon was sitting. She plopped down next to him and sighed heavily and dramatically.

"I don't think mother loves me."

Jon felt his mouth quirk. "What did you do this time?" She shot him a deadly look.

"I didn't do anything."

Jon shrugged. "All right. If you say so, except the last time you thought Lady Stark didn't love you was when you put a mouse in Sansa's bed and closed the door to her, locking her inside with the mouse." Arya had the grace to blush, at least a little. Not much, but it was something.

"I didn't put anything in Sansa's room," she said defensively and added quickly, "Or in her sewing or down her dress." Jon's eyes widened.

"You put something down her dress?"

"I didn't!"

"I mean, at some point." Arya stuck out her tongue at him, and he laughed, ruffling her hair. "All right, all right. So what did happen?" His little sister shifted uncomfortably.

"I didn't start it."

"Someone had to," Jon accepted reasonably. "Who did then, if not you?"

"Some stupid boy." She spoke vaguely. "I don't even know his name. But he's stupid."

Jon made a face at her. "What'd you do to him, break his nose?"

She shuffled her feet. Jon stared.

"You did? Arya – I was joking. What did he do?" And just as suddenly as that, his expression turned slightly belligerent. "Because if he deserved it, you could've asked me to beat him up."

"I can fight my own battles," Arya said quickly. "You know that. I can beat you and Robb wrestling."

"Only 'cause we let you."

Arya groaned in annoyance, knowing he was right. Jon ruffled her hair again, and she shook her head. "He said I couldn't."

"Couldn't what?"

"Couldn't beat him up. He was annoying me, so I told him to leave, or I'd beat him into the ground, and he said I couldn't; I was a lady." Arya grimaced with disgust. She hated nothing so much as being mistaken for a lady, though it happened rarely enough. "So I had to prove him wrong."

"And let me guess. Someone caught you."

She sulked. "Jory pulled me off him and said I couldn't go beating up stableboys, or we wouldn't have anyone to take care of the horses. And I said I'd take care of the horses, and he laughed; only then he went to find mother. And she was furious with me."

"So you think she doesn't love you because she's mad at you?"

"No," said Arya, looking up solemnly at him, "I think she doesn't love me because she said so. She said, 'Sansa never gets in this kind of trouble. Why can't you be more like your sister?'" A bit of hurt showed in her eyes. "I don't want to be more like Sansa. I don't want to be a stupid little princess. I think I'd be bad at it."

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