The Winter Dragon

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Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

The Following EIGHT Chapters are avaliable for Patrons.

Chapter 29 (Return to Winterfell), Chapter 30 (Dragon Dreams), Chapter 31 (Reunion with The Starks), Chapter 32 (Night at Winterfell), Chapter 33 (A Tourney), Chapter 34 (Ned's Regrets), Chapter 35 (Direwolves of House Stark), and Chapter 36 (No Time Left) are already available for Patrons.


There were no words from Jon

Not even a whisper

Jon felt he couldn't breathe; his mind was just racing and thinking about what he just saw, what he felt.

His name is Aemon Targaryen

He felt like the whole world was spinning; he couldn't believe it.

Your father is Rhaegar Targaryen

You're no Bastard, the mind told him.

Why Would Why Would Lord Stark Take Me? It Doesn't Make Sense

Jon's mind was going through everything that happened in his life, his father's constant denial to talk about his mother, his denial to talk about Lyanna Stark. No matter how hard he tried, it made sense.

How, How, How Could you? Why DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?? You Took Took TOOK ME AWAY, Jon screamed inside, tears coming out like rain and feeling rage, sadness, and anger all at once.

He fell to his knees, but he didn't care; he could hardly hear Val calling his name.

My Mother Was Dead The Whole TIME

She will never come to me? She will never. All my dreams, they were all Lies?

"WHY?" Jon screamed and hit the ground with all his strength, his knuckles burning in pain, his skin bleeding.

My Mother Was There The Whole Time; She Will Never Come To Me, To Hug Me and Tell me stories.

Jon felt his vision blur from the tears; his dreams were never real; SHE WOULD NEVER COME.

He heard someone talking to him in his rage, but he couldn't focus. No, He Wanted to Burn it all Down.

Jon just kept looking at the ground, hot tears burning his cheeks, his vision all blurry, and his eyes burning!

After what felt like hours, he let it all out, Val standing beside him the whole time; he breathed in and out, trying to calm himself, only now he felt the soft hand on his shoulder.

"Jon, are you alright?" Val questioned, concerned, her other hand helping him to stand up.

"I...I don't know," Jon stuttered out, feeling his head heavy; his eyes found Bloodraven staring down at him with his red eye.

"Now, you know the truth," Bloodraven said, his voice as cold as ice. Jon wanted to shout at him; he must have known from the very beginning...

"Why didn't you tell me from the very beginning?" Jon shouted harshly, slowly marching towards him; his voice rang throughout the whole cave, reaching the ceiling. Val didn't know what was happening, why Jon was so angry. His hands reached for the pommel of his sword, ready to cut his throat. He was half-dead already.

"It's the only way," he responded without batting an eye, not showing fear, despite being in front of two people who could kill him as easily as killing a fly.

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