A Sister's Love

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Chapter 49 (Arianne's Passion), Chapter 50 (Trial by Combat), Chapter 51 (Happiness), Chapter 52 (The Calm), Chapter 53 (The Melee), Chapter 54 (Family Reunion), Chapter 55 (The Dragonbinder Horn), Chapter 56 (Family Bonding), Chapter 57 (A Bond Between Siblings), Chapter 58 (Father and Son), Chapter 59 (A Targaryen Love), Chapter 60 (The Quiet Wolf), Chapter 61 (Mother and Son), Chapter 62 (A Night of Passion), and Chapter 63 (Silverwing and Morning) are already available for Patrons.

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Rhaenys Targaryen

"You know, I think I might have started liking someone," Arianne's voice pulled her out of her thoughts and dreams. Rhaenys had woken up early by Arianne, her friend had entered her bedchamber and told her that tonight the singing competition would start, and she needed to be at her best and to look gorgeous for everyone there.

Rhaenys had rolled her eyes at her antics before allowing Arianne to fix her hair; her friend had started doing her hair for years now, making them in a waterfall braid that Rhaenys liked the most, it would take time, but they would spend that time talking about mundane things.

So far, Rhaenys hadn't liked the Tourney, but she knew her Valonqar was in Harrenhal. She just needed to wait a little longer; she had waited for years to be in his arms, and she could wait for a few more days.

She had hoped to spend more time with her aunt during the Tourney. Sadly, Daenerys had been quiet since arriving at Harrenhal. She had made comments about dreaming of a Black Dragon with green eyes. Usually, Rhaenys would have thought of them as simply dreams, she herself had dreamed of dragons since she was a toddler, but they were nothing but dreams. She would dream of a shadow of a dragon above King's Landing. The shadow was enormous, almost engulfing the entire city.

Rhaenys couldn't remember much; years had passed since she had last dreamed of him. But she could still remember the smell of smoke and flames, the screams of people as the fire burned their skin off their bones, their bodies turning dark like coal. Before the blue flames engulfed her as well, she would wake up screaming.

It had been over a decade since she had dreamed of that shadow, and she had mostly forgotten about it. Her thoughts went to Aegon, her little brother would meet with Lady Flower today, and her mother, perhaps with the help of Rhaella, had decided that Rhaenys needed to accompany them for some reason, at first she hadn't understood why she would need to spend time with the flower, that was until yesterday, Arianne had informed her that Lord Willas Tyrell would be there, Rhaenys had felt as if someone had slapped her in the face.

She had nothing against the man, but the Tyrells had already secured one betrothal. Why would they need a second one? Rhaenys felt her blood boiling at the thought of marrying someone she hardly knew, but she knew this was the life of High Lords and Royalty.

"Rhaenys!" She escaped her thoughts when Arianne pinched her shoulder. She looked at the dark eyes of her good friend, who arched an eyebrow.

"Did you hear what I said?" She asked, already knowing the answer. Rhaenys opened and closed her mouth several times before shaking her head.

"No. I was thinking of today's competition," she lied, and from the face Ari made, she knew her friend wasn't buying it, but the princess of Dorne decided not to comment on it. Instead, she chose to talk about the competition.

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