Dragon Dreams

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The Following NINE Chapters are avaliable for Patrons.

Chapter 31 (Reunion with The Starks), Chapter 32 (Night at Winterfell), Chapter 33 (A Tourney), Chapter 34 (Ned's Regrets), Chapter 35 (Direwolves of House Stark), Chapter 36 (No Time Left), Chapter 37 (A Wildling's Life), Chapter 38 (Crow's Eye), and Chapter 39 (To The South) are already available for Patrons.

Elia Martell Targaryen - 297 AC

The sun was shining, making the flowers and trees look brighter and more beautiful. She felt the sun kissing her olive skin. Elia was in the gardens of The Red Keep waiting for her brother, sitting on a bench; it had been some time since the last time she saw him. Birds were singing around the trees; she felt better hearing their songs.

Her brother had been in Essos for some time, reporting some strange events around Pentos; the captain of The Golden Company was seen in Pentos accompanied by a red priestess; her brother didn't know why but it didn't really matter to Westeros. The only reason why her brother had paid attention to it was the Golden Company's history with Westeros.

She wanted to know if there was any information regarding the kingdoms; Elia and Rhaegar feared another rebellion; that was the last thing anyone in the Royal Family wanted.

Because of that fear, Rhaegar and Elia accepted the betrothal between her little dragon, Aegon Targaryen and Margaery Tyrell; Rhaegar didn't want this; he wanted Aegon and Rhaenys to have a choice on who to marry, but Elia knew they didn't have the power right now. They needed a more stable Westeros; Aegon's marriage with Margery would bring The Reach on their side if The Rebellion did occur.

Rhaegar was a good king, but even the best of kings has enemies, and no king can please everyone. They were kings who tried to please everyone and, in the end, caused a war. A gentle breeze flew past her, and a bird landed on the stone ground near her, blue like the ocean, reminding her of someone that loved the color blue. She looked down at her ring, a wolf's head carved on the face of the ring, and she wondered what Lya would do if she were here. She missed her smiles and soft kisses, her eyes shining full of life.

Elia heard the birds singing around the garden, high in the trees. She always came here to calm herself or to be alone in her thoughts. She needed to be alone to think about everything that happened, about the future of Aegon and Rhaenys.

Alone here, she could think about her family, Doran and Oberyn. About herself.

Here she would often think about Lya; sometimes, Rhaegar would say that it was his fault that she died; she deserved a better life; instead, she died alone in a Tower and not among people that loved her.

Elia wished she would have been with her in her final moments, and maybe she could have changed something. But Aerys destroyed everything, and Robert Baratheon started a rebellion.

Lyanna had told them many times she had sent letters to Hoster Tully and Robert Baratheon that she loved Rhaegar and ran away with him willingly. No one knew what happened to those letters; Hoster Tully perhaps lied, but he had publicly told the king that he knew nothing of such letters.

The thought of Lyanna caused her to think of their lost child; she would have become a mother for the third time.

Sometimes she would think of Visenya, what kind of girl she would have been, would she have dark hair like her or silver hair of Targaryens, purple eyes, or dark grey like Lya. Would she be wild like her mother? Would she become a horse rider like her? Would she become like Visenya reborn?

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