A Dragon, Not A Wolf

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Five Years Later

Ned Stark

The lord of Winterfell felt older than his age. The last five years had been a nightmare in one way or the other. Leaving out a tired sigh, he mainly thought of Jon. Since he returned from the Greyjoy rebellion, he had noticed the changes, but he had simply shrugged it off, he was growing like every other child, and that's all there is to it. What more could there be?

Sadly that couldn't be further from the truth; his nephew had basically gotten better at many things he usually wasn't before he went to War. Before, he would sometimes lose, not do better than Robb in tests, but all that was thrown out of the window. Like a horse without reins, let free to run in the wilderness without anyone to stop him.

Jon would proudly show everyone that he was better than Robb, not just in private but in public as well, especially in front of Catelyn, whose face would turn red like blood. The only thing his son did better than Jon was his raw strength; his body was more masculine and bigger than Jon's body, but he easily overpowered Robb with his speed and agility.

Many people in Westeros tend to think that being stronger is primary than being faster when it comes to fighting; of course, there were times when the strength was better, but Ned always believed that speed was more important than brute strength; he had been proven right in The Battle of The Trident when Ser Arthur Dayne had slain Robert Baratheon.

And now, Jon was proving the same every day, every time his nephew grabbed the pommel of a sword; it was like a beast had woken up. Ned was sure his nephew didn't show the full extent of his speed and overall ability with a blade. As if the people he was fighting against weren't worthy of it. The only time Ned had seen Jon become serious was with Ser Rodrik. The man was old and had a lot of experience from battles and wars.

One Year Left

For the last five years, Jon had spared with Robb and Theon all the time, but none of them ever won against Jon. The only time Theon could win against his nephew was in archery; the Greyjoy had shown incredible talent in archery, something that was quite uncommon. His arrows always hit the target, even from fifty meters away.

Robb had proclaimed Jon his rival in Swordfighting, something Ned liked in a way. It was always better to have a rival when you wanted to get stronger. Despite their spars and the clear one-sided duels, they never became distant; they seemed as friendly with each other as five years ago, something Ned was delighted to see; at least his wife couldn't claim that Jon hated his son. Not that actually stopped her from claiming that Jon was planning to get Winterfell from Robb.

The same talk for years now, before the rebellion, at least Jon would try to look bad sometimes in front of the others, especially in public, to make Robb look better, whenever that was making himself lose or not doing that good when it came to studying. Now the tables had turned.

Now both Jon and Catelyn were in some kind of competition, trying to show who hated who most; right now, Jon was clearly the winner; and since Sansa had grown distant towards Jon; his nephew seemed to want to show it even more; especially two years ago when for the very first time, Ned had been a bit afraid that Jon might actually do something.

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