A Lone Wolf

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The Following EIGHT Chapters are avaliable for Patrons.

Chapter 26 (Passion Under The Stars), Chapter 27 (The Truth), Chapter 28 (The Winter Dragon), Chapter 29 (Return to Winterfell), Chapter 30 (Dragon Dreams), Chapter 31 (Reunion with The Starks), Chapter 32 (Night at Winterfell), and Chapter 33 (A Tourney) are already available for Patrons.

Ned Stark

"Open The Gate," the guards shouted.

The giant gate opened slowly, letting out a loud noise; the snow that had gathered falling from it like rain, and cheers boomed in the courtyard of Winterfell. Ned knew people had gathered for his return, but he cared not for any of that; seeing Winterfell again made him feel relieved; he was back at the home where he always belonged; his eyes noticed his family waiting for him, causing him to hang his head down, his hands not holding the reins of his horse any longer. He felt tired from the long search, he had been sure this time he would have found him, but it seemed the old gods loved to play cruel games.

Ned felt a glare at the back of his head; he didn't need to look back to know who was glaring at him, her eyes as cold as the Wall; Ned dismounted his horse, his feet landing roughly, his family expecting him at the courtyard, hoping for good news, his eyes landed on Arya who was on the verge of crying, the little girl's mouth was trembling, Ned shook his head, no point on false hope. She left out a sob before running inside, Robb tried to stop her, but she ducked, running away from everyone.

A steward came to grab his horse and feed him; Ned handed him the reins before walking up to his family; no words were shared as they all walked inside.

The first thing Ned did was go to his solar; he had been gone for two weeks, letting Catelyn and Maester Luwin deal with the business here; he had also made sure to tell Catelyn that Robb should be in every important thing that involved ruling, thankfully Catelyn hadn't objected, she had agreed that Robb needed to start to know a few things when it comes to ruling.

Ned decided to talk with Maester Luwin a bit later, asking how things had gone around Winterfell in his absence, but right now, he needed to speak with an angry Bear, and if he wasn't careful, he could easily lose his neck.

"Where's the prince?" Maege had demanded to know the moment she arrived in Winterfell; it had been a month since Jon disappeared; Ned had received a letter from Maege Mormont that she would bring some of their finest hunters to find Jon, in case he was still in The North and not in Braavos somewhere or South of the Neck.

Ned, of course, had agreed, happy to receive help, but he knew the real reason, and he wasn't exactly looking forward to it.

Once she arrived, Dacey Mormont had arrived as well, for reasons Ned didn't know, but the glare Maege had sent him was enough to turn his blood cold and seriously fear for his life.

"Lady Maege-" "Don't Start, Lord Stark," she interrupted with a sneer, barely keeping her voice in check, her hand opening and closing around the handle of her club, big enough to smash skulls like eggs.

Maege put her hand on his desk, her finger tapping the wooden table. "Where. Is. He?" She demanded again; this time, her grip on her club tightened.

Ned seemed to notice that, but despite that, he didn't show fear, at least not on his face; his face was still normal, as was his breathing; standing up, he looked at Lady Maege straight in the eyes.

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