I pulled into driveway of the building and the place was already very busy. There were other cars arriving and gorgeously dressed guests coming out of the cars. Security personnels were controlling how the cars parked outside , some were leading the guests inside the building while others where controlling the very many paparazzi and other people that were standing outside the building.

Just in front of the building, to the right side was a red carpet in front of a banner where the A-listers were taking pictures and being interviewed by some journalists. The whole arena looked more like the entrance of the Golden Globe awards rather than a corporate event .

I came out of my car, positive that I was the only person here who drove herself to this event and handed one of the valets standing around, my keys. As I walked in the direction of the entrance of the building, I spotted Jake by the red carpet, being interviewed by a female journalist and her cameraman behind her. The moment our eyes met he excused himself immediately and started walking towards me.

" You look ...wow...when last did I see you in a dress ?" He breathed, the moment he got to where I was.

" Oh, don't tell me my beauty has made you dumbfounded." I teased as we hugged briefly.

" Yes, it has." He laughed, pulling back to take a good look at me . " Seriously, Emma, you look amazing ."

" Thanks . You don't look too bad yourself too." I complimented him.

He was dressed in a dark blue velvet suit and black slacks. He had definitely gotten a hair cut and maybe had a facial done, from the way his face was glowing and the scent of his cologne? Divine. Jake Hartley was a handsome man . The kind, girls would kill for to have by their side. That fact has never changed.

" Thank you, but I don't look half as good as you." He quipped.

I rolled my eyes playfully . " Okay, you can play the humility card all night long but we both know you look better. I mean, you're the host, so you automatically have to look better than anyone else."

He nodded his head, an unfaltering smile on his lips.
" Sure, let's roll with that."

My gaze moved over to the scenery. " Everything looks amazing already. I'm so proud of you Jake . Congrats."

" Thank you. That means a lot to me , Emma." He replied in a heart felt manner . " It was hard pulling it off but we're here now." He spread his arms wide as he gestured around.

" You really did great. Your family must be so proud of you ."

" They are." He nodded.

" Are they here ? Your mother and sister , I mean."
Jake's father was still in prison over the numerous crimes he committed so he obviously couldn't be here.

" Oh , no , they couldn't make it, sadly. My mother is still not pleased with the whole situation and I guess she's still taking it out on me . She had a mental breakdown quite recently and I had to put her in care of someone."

My face scrunched up as I touched his arm . " I'm so sorry about that."

I saw a deep sadness on his face but even then he still managed to pull of a smile . " It's fine . I know that she's proud of me , even if she doesn't say it."

" Yeah, I know she is." I encouraged him. " What about Jennifer ?"

Jennifer is Jake's younger sister. If I remember correctly, she should be almost done with high school.

" Jen is at a summer program in Spain. Something to boost her college application, I think."

" Oh, that's nice . And what about your father ?"

Forever His { On going }Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant