Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Six: The Cuddling Continues

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Walking over to his side table this afternoon, Matt smiled as he proceeded to put his phone on silent as he feels like he's done enough work for today; right now, he's on a romantic vacation with his wife...and he wants to spend time with her. He wants to hold her in his arms, and he wants to make her feel really sexy; after all, she is sexy, and he is extremely happy that she's his wife. Setting his phone down on his charger shortly after putting it on silent, Matt smirked as he went ahead and took off his shirt for Gabby; something that he usually loves to let her watch, but she can't right now as she's asleep. So, she's going to have to deal with it, and he may have to apologize for not giving her a chance to watch him do it. Folding up his shirt after taking it off, Matt proceeded to set it down on his side table; after which, Matt looked at the beautiful woman he's lucky to call his wife. He then went ahead and opened the covers, before climbing into bed with the woman he loves more than anything; his gorgeous wife, Gabriela Marie Casey.

Slowly (and quietly) slipping into bed with his wife, Matt smiled as he got close to her so that they can hold each other; so that he can hold the woman he loves more than anything in his arms, as she takes a nap in their bed

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Slowly (and quietly) slipping into bed with his wife, Matt smiled as he got close to her so that they can hold each other; so that he can hold the woman he loves more than anything in his arms, as she takes a nap in their bed. Just slipping over in bed behind his beautiful wife, Matt smiled as he closed the covers up top of him and Gabby; after which, he wrapped his arms around Gabby and just held her in his arms. Kissing her back as he brought her back against his chest, Matt smiled due to the fact that he was quite happy right now; he was happy as he was holding his wife in his arms, as she took a really nice nap. And there really is nothing like the feeling of him holding her in his arms, both for the husband and the wife. However, what Matt never wanted was for Gabby to wake up when he got in bed with her; and that was exactly what happened. "So, how did work go?" Matt was a bit shocked when he heard Gabby ask him right away about work, which is something that he never really expects her to do. "Did you really just ask me about work, while we're in bed with each other?" Rolling over in her loving husband's arms, Gabby smiled as she slipped close to the man she loves.

At the same time, Matt wrapped his arms around Gabby while they held each other close; after which, Gabby put her hand on his face and smiled at the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. Leaning in, Matt smirked as he kissed his beautiful wife softly. Just taking things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams, Matt smirked due to the fact that this is everything that he wants right now. "So, you ended up falling asleep?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she fell asleep while he was gone. "Yeah, I did." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, smiling at her. "How are you feeling? You tired?" Gabby smiled as she heard Matt ask her whether she was tired. "Yeah, I was asleep when my loving husband decided to wake me up." Matt sighed as he heard Gabby say that, before tugging her body against his chest; after which, Gabby put her hand on his cheek and then leaned in to kiss him softly. "Sorry I had to work today." Gabby looked at Matt when he said that. "What was wrong anyways?" Matt sighed. "I needed to put some money in Casey Fire." Gabby looked at Matt when he said that. "What? I thought we already dealt with that." Matt sighed.

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