A moment of silence went through them, she thought she might've lost them for good, just as they had lost her many moons ago. That is until George picked up his head with a sly grin etched on his features.

"We're being too sappy, don't you reckon?"

And they all burst in laughter, the sound carrying through the walls. Because that is what friends do, and she might be angry and hurt by their actions, but eleven-year-old Rose had never known love until she had met this people sitting across from her. She would talk to Fred, of course she would, because no matter how much he made her hurt, he also made her feel loved at some point, and that was something she would not let go off easily.

• • •

Rose left the castle at noon the day of the Hogsmeade visit with Cedric by her side, a weak silver sun shining down upon the grounds. The agreement they had was perfect in Rose's eyes, she went to his dorm after she finished her homework and left before curfew. Some days they would talk and talk until there was nothing left to talk about, other days the last thing they did was talk as they laid in a comfort of sheets and twisted limbs.

The weather was milder than it had been all year, and by the time they arrived in Hogsmeade, all two of them had taken off their cloaks and thrown them over their shoulders.

"Where to first?" Cedric asked as they walked through the crowded streets.

"I say we get a Butter beer before the place gets to crowded," Rose said, pulling him towards The Three Broomsticks. She had planned on going into Gladrags Wizard wear to buy herself a new jumper for the warmer weather, but she knew she could do that after.

The Inn was crowded, as usual, but it lacked the dozens of Hogwarts students hogging the booths and tables. Cedric left the red head's side as he went to order drinks, so Rose picked a booth with the window looking out the main street of the magical town.

Rose looked across the street and noticed the twins with Lee heading into Zonkos and Amara conversing with a Ravenclaw girl she assumed was in seventh year, the two girls walking towards Honey Dukes. Rose arched an eyebrow; she'd never seen Amara speak to her before, but the Ravenclaw was stunning; her dark raven hair was hanging down her back and her complexion appeared as if she'd spent hours sunbathing in the beach. Before Rose could inspect her further, Cedric took a seat in front of her, and she came out of her trance.

"What are you looking at?" Cedric asked, looking out the gloomy window as he slid over her drink.

"Just people watching," Rose shrugged, bringing the cup over to her lips before taking a sip; the liquid quickly warming her insides. "Are you worried for the third task?"

"Not much," Cedric answered, but he was toying with the cup in his hands; swirling the butterbeer inside it. "It's still months away."

"It's alright to be nervous; especially after the last task," Rose said, shuddering at the memory of sinking in the lake. "Merlin knows Harry and I are."

Cedric's head snapped towards Rose so quickly she feared it might've popped out of shoulders, his eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open before he recovered. "You're on the third task!"

"Shh!" Rose urged him, looking around to make sure no one else was listening. "Keep your voice down!" 

"Sorry," he said sheepishly, having the decency of looking ashamed. "I've been so wrapped up on-"

Rose was listening, but from the corner of her eye she caught sight of Harry, Ron and Hermione; all with the same guilty looks on their faces that they always had when they were up to trouble. Harry was even carrying a bag that seemed to shift ever so slightly and he seemed to not want it close to his body. Rose groaned, throwing her head back.

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن