Party Disaster - Tara Carpenter

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Just saying this will have details of gore blood and all that and it won't be as relationship focused as the others. I watched scream 6 so yeah. This might be short and this is gonna be the same ghostfaces as scream V same stuff but yeah


You was getting ready for the annual stabathon, hosted by you and your friend. Even with the murders going on. You decided to host it inside the house where Stab I occurred. As it was available to rent. You rented it for a day and yeah. Obviously you had to charge to get money back. You got in your car and went to pick up some friends. You pulled up outside Sam and Tara's residence.
"Lady's come on!" You say beeping as they walk out.
"We're not going." Sam shouts.
"Aw come on for me!" You shout back.
"Let's just go." Tara says to Sam as Sam rolls her eyes as they both get in the car. You pick up Mindie and Chad who were both exited as you make your way. You arrive and start the party as you see people fuel in the house. You start up the first Stab as you sit back and enjoy. Around 9 hours past, it's 2pm and everyone is beginning to leave, you would help clean up but you was leading Tara up to a bedroom. You closed the door and pushed her on the bed as you went on top of her and deeply kissed her as she retaliated back with her tounge pressing against your teeth. She took your shirt off and you took of hers. You were about to get it on as you slowly start to unclip her bra as Sam bursts in all sweaty and panting as she locks the door.
"Y/N?! TARA?! WHAT THE FUCK!?" She shouts at the both of you. You throw a towel at Tara covering her as you put on your shirt.
"What's happening and a knock would of been great." You say.
"He's here." Sam says as she holds against the door.
"Well shit." You say. You pick up a bat which you put there before just in case and open the door walking out and seeing no one. You was stabbed in your side as you elbow the ghost faces arm.
"Y/N!" Tara shouts.

You spear the ghostface into the banister breaking it as you both land on the floor. Amber rushes in and gets you off ghostface as you both run and Tara and Sam hide upstairs.
"You okay?" She asks.
"Yeah.." You say back holding your side.
"You'll be worse now." She replies shooting your leg with a gun.
"FUCK AMBER!" You shout as Tara and Sam rush down. Tara smacks Amber round the face with a pan as you hold your leg struggling to get up.

Sidney and Gale run in as Tara supports your leg. Chaos runs through the house as you hear screams and pleading.
"I've gotta help." You say.
"No your staying with me." Tara says.
"I'm helping. Tara I won't be long." You say getting up and grunting. You grab a kitchen knife and see Richie choking Sam on the floor. You stab him in the liver as he falls on his side dropping the knife as you help Sam up. You hear Mindie screaming and a gun shot seeing Gale shot and Mindie knocked out, Chad no where to be seen.
"Where's Tara?" Sam asks.
"She's back there." You point to a door.
"Okay." Sam says as you both go through the house searching and hiding. You and Sam get separated as you walk outside getting speared by Richie, you have a brawl head butting him and then pushing him to the side going on top of him and beating him to a pulp with your fist. Tara walks out and sees this. Richie pulls a knife out stabbing you in your wound as you fall and scream, Tara gun in hand shoots him in the back of the head as you lay on the ground taking the knife out as you shout in pain.
"Holy shit holy shit." Tara says running to you.

Next thing you know your sitting on a ambulance getting ready to get sent to a hospital, with Tara and Sam in your truck. Chad was found with 4 stab wounds but Alive, Mindie was completely fine just a concussion, Gale shot, Sidney stabbed. Richie dead and Amber dead.
You was on the bed laying down Sam and Tara sitting beside you.
"Right now that that's over what the fuck is going on between you and Tara?" Sam asks.
"Uhh... ah my leg hurts Maybe Tara can answer." You say holding your leg.
"Ha." Sam says turning to Tara.
"Uh. Well. Me and y/n might aswell date. As. Yeah. And you interrupted us. Which was rude." Tara says.
" I was being chased by a serial killer." Sam says shocked.
"True." Tara replies with a chuckle.
Tara holds your hand with a smile and then leans in to kiss you as you gladly kiss her.
"All right. I don't really want this trip to be full of my sister being snogged in front of me." Sam says.
"I'm just happy me and Tara didn't die mid intercourse and you didn't die obviously." You say to Sam.
"Don't get me thinking." Sam says.
"What if he chopped my dick off." You say.
"Y/N." Tara and Sam say in sync as you get some rest and shortly after you arrive at the hospital falling asleep with Tara with you and boosted security on your room 24/7 just in case.
"Love you y/n." Tara says.
"I love you too." You respond closing your eyes.

Jenna Ortega x male reader imagines Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu