Celebrity Crush

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You were a friend of Georgie Farmer, who played Ajax in Wednesday. He introduced you to Jenna Ortega, you got along straight away, she was your celebrity crush, you had the same music taste whilst you recommended music. You started to hang out more with the gang of the Wednesday cast.
"Omg guys we should take photos in the photo booth!" Jenna recommended. You all went in the photo booth and took some photos and had fun. Jenna posted it on your story and tagged you, you gained quite a bit of attention from it. Turns out you and Jenna live extremely close together, you only lived like a 20 minute walk away.
You met up with her a couple times and started to hang out way more. You went on late night walks together sharing headphones just admiring nature and the world. Your birthday was coming up and to be fair you already got the best early present ever. You still couldn't believe You were friends with your celebrity crush and you were quite close in the short span you know each other. Fast forward to your birthday she got you a few presents. She knew you were a bit of a geek and she got you a Lego millennium falcon set to build together, and a vinyl player. And a ticket for you and her to go see the new Avatar.
"Omg, Jenna thank you so much!" You said and you shared a hug.
"Well, I say we start building the Lego set tonight and when we go see avatar in a few days we can have a take out after or go to a food joint? And if you want tomorrow we can go vinyl shopping?" Jenna said.
"Jenna you didn't have to get this much. Thank you so much." You said hugging again.
"I would love to do all that with you!" You said after, you held a party after with your friends and their friends. Half the time you and Jenna were building the falcon in your room. But after a bit built you left Jenna to it as it was your party after all and she later joined you. After the party, you, Georgie and Jenna were cleaning up.
"I knew you two would get along." Georgie said looking at you both.
"I've got one more thing to give you bro." Georgie said giving you a big box and it was your on BB-8. You shared a bro hug then he had to go but you and Jenna were still late up at night building the falcon. Then you and Jenna had a mini party jamming it out to Childish Gambino. Dancing with each other.
"You know that! I love you! So let me give it to you!" You both screamed out, Jenna was recording you both jamming it out and dancing and put it on her insta page.
"Girl you really got a hold on me! So this isn't just popular!" You both screamed out living the moment. Then you had a karaoke session.
"Baby your the baddest. Baby your the baddest girl I know. No body else matters. No body else matters girl." You said but kinda meaning the lyrics.
"Ugh we are actually the best duo ever!" Jenna said.
"I know right? We are the coolest people ever!" You then both felt really tired and you fell sleep on the couch letting her sleep on your bed. A few days later you went vinyl shopping and then ice skating and you two were inseparable. You had to help Jenna onto the ring, you had a bit of experience. People noticed her and she gave a nice wave. You loved watching her just be her. When it came to the avatar watch. You both sat next to each other intrigued in the movie. People slowly started to realise Jenna was in the cinema after the people infront starting glancing back at us. It was a group of girls.
"Omg it's Jenna Ortega. Is that your date?" They asked.
"Yeah of course he is! Isn't he beautiful." Jenna said praising you a bit, she could be flirting sometimes. She didn't shout it out as she wanted to be on low profile but wouldn't just ignore it. She was whispering to them and they nodded and winked at her and turned back around.
"I think your quite beautiful too Jenna." You said locking eyes with her before sharing a kiss with her and then you continued to watch the movie holding hands. You both safely made it back to your homes and you waved goodbye. A lot can happen in the space of 2 months. She was the love of your life.

Hope you liked this!! I literally can't sleep so I'm just writing imagines, to think about whilst trying to go sleep. Im going to try and do 2 imagines a day but it might be a bit inconsistent cuz yeah idk. But please do leave suggestions!! Happy reading!

Jenna Ortega x male reader imagines Where stories live. Discover now