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Sorry for the no updates on this story been focusing on my Nevermore story but I'll get some out for this maybe I'm not sure. Enjoy!

You were a upcoming star, you was a winger, with precocious shots, passes and flawless dribbling. In a friendly match between your team, Monaco(I might of got the spelling wrong srry) and PSG, a certain celebrity was in the crowd. You was doing your thing, showing off and giving a show to the watchers. You scored a fairly decent goal and your popularity sky rocketed. You went past hakimi and kimbembe with ease. You passed it to your teammate who made a class finish. After the match you was walking through the tunnel and to the changing rooms. You took your shirt off and went in. You needed your drink which you left outside and walked out to just go to the water fountain.
"Hey. Y/N is it?" Jenna Ortega says looking at you.
You looked up and wiped your mouth.
"Oh yeah. Are you allowed to be here..? Ohhh your that girl from Wednesday." You say clocking who she is.
"Yeah... anyway. I was hoping to get a autograph?" She asks.
"An autograph from me? Sure. But only if I get one from you after." You chuckle and sign the back of her phone with a pen she gave you. She then asked to sign your boot so you went and got it and came back out. She gave you a note which had her number in it.

Later one you was chilling at your house bored as ever. You decided to go ahead and text Jenna, you talked for a while and she asked you if you wanted to go to a the sag award show coming up. You could come as her plus one.
"Sure I'll come." You text back.
"Great. I'll text you the details." She replies.

Fast forward a few weeks later and you and Jenna got quite close. She came to all your games and cheered you on. The show was today and you had to get ready. You got some of your outfit designers in and they gave you a suit to match with Jenna's outfit. You made your way to the show in a limo with some sunglasses on. You hoped people wouldn't catch on quick but you knew it was near impossible. You pulled up and got out the limo as paparazzi started taking pictures. You walked around taking pictures signing stuff trying to find jenna. You Evantually found her and greeted her with a hug.
"You look amazing!" You say hugging her.
"You too! Wanna go take some pictures?" She asks you so you go.
You were taking pictures together as she placed your hand around her waist. You got a mint and chewing gum out your pocket and put them both in your mouth and Jenna dragged you as she was called by a interviewer. You stood next to her, her head up to your shoulders.
"So I guess this is your plus 1?" They ask.
"Yea y/n say hi." Jenna says tapping your arm.
"Oh yeah hello." You say smiling.
"If you don't mind me asking is there anything going on between you two.?" They ask with a smirk.
"I don't see why not-" Jenna chose to answer their question pulling you into a kiss, you went to kiss back but she pulled away and you went a bit red so you looked down.
"Wow that answers our question well have a good show you two!" They say waving you goodbye. Later on after all the awards, you had quite a lot of drinks. You were quite drunk and you was walking around tired as ever. You was gonna get kicked out but jenna saved you, she pulled you aside to talk.
"How drunk are you y/n?" She asks you.
"Barley. I'm very sleepy.." you say looking at her smirking drunk.
"Yea your drunk let's get outta here." She says holding your hand.
"I don't wanna ruin your night jenna." You say.
"It's fine." She says smiling at you. You was walking away but was stopped by fans with their phones out.
"Sorry guys he's super drunk." Jenna says.
You looked at them and smiled.
"Hey-" you say but got dragged away by jenna.

You woke up later with just remembering that you got into a car and then black. You was laying down on a sofa, blazer off, shoes off with a blanket Over you.
You sat up confused and looked around.
"Your awake!" Jenna said with two cups of tea setting them down on the table.
"Did you carry me here..?" You ask.
"With some help." She replies.
"Sorry I drank way too much.." you say. You had your tea and Jenna had hers as Jenna layed on you as you fall asleep together watching some random tv show.

Jenna Ortega x male reader imagines Where stories live. Discover now