Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Oh, those were the much harder times; the times where I was working my ass off, in the VICE unit. I still think that was when I really started to use, and really started becoming an addict." Ramon then thought back to that Christmas. "Yeah, I think we actually later learned that you weren't just tired because of VICE; you were also hungover, because you had a shift on Christmas Eve." Eva just turned to look at her father when she heard that her father was high on her first Christmas, not happy. "Seriously? Seriously PAPA!" Antonio just looked at his daughter, nervous. "You were high, on my first Christmas!" Antonio then looked at his daughter. "Eva..." Eva then shook her head, just walking away as she was not happy with her father. At the same time, Antonio turned to look at his dad. "Seriously? Why did you..." Ramon just looked at his son when he tried to blame this on him, which he is not going to take. "Oh no. Not happening Antonio. This is not my fault; you were the one that brought up the alcoholism; and then I remembered something."

Antonio sighed when he heard his father say that, well aware that was the case. That was when he heard his mother come into the kitchen, carrying the other one of his nephews. "Can someone explain to me why I just saw Eva run away to my bedroom?" Antonio sighed as he looked at his mother, well aware of what he needed to do; he needed to go talk to his daughter before this got any worse. Turning to look at his father, Antonio sighed. "Can you tell her what happened?" Ramon agreed with his son when he asked him to tell his ex-wife what just happened, which he will gladly do. At the same time, Antonio ran away so that he could find his daughter and speak to her. "She went towards the room that I slept in last night Antonio." Antonio agreed with his mother, proceeding to make his way there so that he could talk to his daughter; so that they could try and fix things, because he knows that must've hurt her. At the same time, Camila turned to look at her ex-husband while also holding Noah in her arms. "Okay, can you please explain to me what just happened?" Ramon took a breath as Camila asked him that. "I told him about how I found him sleeping with Noah the same way that I found him sleeping with Eva once on her first Christmas, the one while he was still working with VICE; and he was..."

Camila then understood why her granddaughter ran away, that probably hurting her. "Eva, of course, was here; and she heard that her father was high on her first Christmas..." Camila sighed. "That must've been hard for her to hear." Ramon agreed with her when she mentioned that it was hard for their granddaughter to hear that her father was high on her first Christmas, which it was; he could tell based on the emotions that his granddaughter showed before she ran away. "She was mad, almost as mad as you were when I did what I did to you." Camila just looked at her ex-husband when he said that. "Listen, about that; we've been meaning to talk about that for long enough. So, how about me and you go to the living room and talk about it after we get the bottles ready?" Ramon agreed with his ex-wife when she said that, ready to do just that so that they can finally get it out of the way; after all, it's been long enough for them to wait to get it out. They need to talk about it, and he really needs to apologize for how much he hurt his ex-wife that night.


She was mad, mad after what she learned her father did on her first Christmas shortly after being born; he was high, and probably barely remembered how they celebrated their first Christmas as a family. His first Christmas as a family. She was the one that made him a father, and he doesn't remember his first Christmas as a father; just because he was high at the time. Yet, he didn't think that was the wake up call he needed? That was the real reason that she was mad. Sure, she was mad that he forgot (and slept) through her first Christmas; but for him to continue to use, and risk missing (or forgetting) those milestones while she was young is something that really hurts her even more. That should've been the wake up call that he needed, but it wasn't; rather, he soon turned to alcohol instead, and then back to drugs. She gets that he's an addict, but that's something that just really hurt her in the moment; and she let her emotions get the best of her, rather than being rational and remembering that her father is an addict. It's hard, she understands.

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