"Stop being weird, and come in, you have spare clothes in here, also new bandages, so just come inside and let's talk about it, you don't have to stay if you don't want to, but at least lets get you dry clothes" She answered as she extended her hand to him, he looked at her face and shivering shoulders, then at her hand back again, full of cuts that she had probably done herself while practicing with her ability. He sighed and took her hand, allowing her to pull him in.

"I'll go to my bedroom and you change in the bathroom" She said as she walked into the hallway and he entered the home too, taking his spare change of clothes from the bag he had hidden in her closet a while back. After 10 minutes both of them were in the kitchen making tea with a brand new set of clothes but wet hair.

"You really need to buy a hairdryer" He said, breaking the comfortable silence engulfing them both.

"My hair gets puffy and frizzy if I blowdry it, so I don't see the need for it" She answered, getting some cookies out and placing them on a plate. They both grabbed a cookie.

"So...what happened?" She asked curiously, one moment they were not talking much, the other he was practically spilling his guts in the middle of a rainstorm.

"Nothing much, had some conversations that helped me to stop running away" He said, eating his cookie, and she just raised an eyebrow.

"You can stay, you know? The storm outside is pretty awful" She said, sounding concerned and looking at the window in the back of the living room.

"Nope, I want this to go right, so about that... Let's go on three dates before you decide if you want to be with me" He said slowly, as if he was reciting a script he had written just before coming in.

"I already know what I want, Osamu, I don't need-" she said resting her face on her face and looking at the man sitting in front of her.

"But I do, I don't know how to do any of this. The best I could do was go on two dates with the same person and then onto the next one because I got bored, or annoyed, or... whatever. So I figured if we could go on three dates without killing each other, then this is not as hopeless as it seems" the man, now wearing a black jumper and gray dress pants answered, looking straight at his cup of tea, almost as if he was trying to see his fortune in the leaves.

She just looked at him, he was sobering up, Dazai is not a messy drunk, he must have been just tipsy, his tolerance for alcohol is both impressive and worrying, she had never seen him really, really drunk. His movements looked less sloppy and his eyes more open. She felt...moved, seeing him like this, acting his age, being a little careless, even impulsive. She gave him a soft smile.

"Why are you smiling at me? Am I that handsome?" He said in his usual playful tone as he grabbed his face and tilted to the side.

"Yes, I think you are the most handsome and smart person I have ever met" She said softly, honesty dripping from her words like honey and Dazai was taken aback from the tenderness of the tone she was speaking with.

"Aw man, did I just make you blush? That goes on my list of accomplishments for sure" She said with a smirk upon seeing the reddened cheeks of the mad genius detective who usually was the one with the witty remarks.

He said nothing and just reached for her hand, he turned it around so the palm of her hand was visible, he just started to feel the cuts on the skin, some fresh, others already healing, others were scars.

"Why are you frowning?" She asked, seeing the eyebrows on the man's face furrowed and his jaw clenched.

"I don't like it that you have to hurt yourself to use your ability, why couldn't you get, I don't know, an ability were you can grow flowers, talk to animals, something like that" He rambled his words, he started to feel tired and sleepy out of nowhere, maybe the walking and running around, or huge amount of alcohol he drank.

"I am not a disney princess, Osamu" She said laughing and he gave her a soft look then stood up.

"It's getting late, I should go" He said softly and she just nodded in agreement, they walked together to the entrance and she gave him an umbrella, to which the tall detective gave her an annoyed look.

"A hello kitty umbrella, really?" He said sarcastically, and she just stuck his tongue out at him mockingly, and he let out a chuckle.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to pick you up at 5 pm. We have permission from the President himself to ditch work, so I'll take you on a date, how does that sound?" He asked in a more upbeat voice, trying to hide his tiredness.

"You had me at ditch work" She answered with a big grin, and got close to him standing on her tiptoes and gave him a quick peek on the lips as she said goodbye to him.

The waiting was over, but there was still nothing settled yet, but both of them slept with a smile on their faces that night. 

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