"Why did she come running to me then? I did not look for her, she came looking for me, so don't act as if forced her to do anything" Chuuya spat back fist getting tight with anger.

"She doesn't know better, but we both know, you are going to get her killed and that's going to be her blood on your hands" Dazai's voice getting a little louder.

"Are you saying you are incompetent enough to let her get killed, Agency members sure are useless" Chuuya said, raising his eyebrow and matching the tone of the man in front of him.

Dazai threw a plate on the wall, pieces of ceramic scattered on the floor, Chuuya didn't move an inch, eyebrows raised in surprise of how his ex partner was expressing his anger. Dazai didn't say anything and kept looking at the spot where the plate used to be.

"Don't blame me for your own consequences, I fucking cleared the path for you, fuck, I almost gave you my fucking blessing, and it was you who has backed off! Stop being a fucking coward then! I ain't afraid of a fair fight, but don't come here and yell at me for the decisions you make! Or lack of them..." Chuuya stood up and yelled at the man in front of him. Dazai lifted his head and looked at the red haired man, the way his former partner talked made him look taller than he was, and right now Dazai was feeling small, tiny even. He let out a sigh and slammed his head on the table.

Chuuya let out a sigh too and sat back on his chair.

"Whatever you did yesterday it worked, her eye is back to normal" Dazai muttered, forehead still pressed on the table.

"We just talked, I talked to...Lilith? Whatever her name is, she showed up after she fell asleep, it appears she can take control of her body if unconscious, so keep that in mind, it was only for a second tho" Chuuya told Dazai and then took a sip of his wine.

"What she say?" Dazai asked.

"Nothing important." Chuuya answered, avoiding the topic. Dazai raised his head and gave the other man a weird look, then took a big sip of his glass.

"Mori is going to punish you and humiliate you in front of the rest of the Mafia if he finds out, he is not going to kill you of course, but he will torture you for a while, and he will make Koyou-san do it. It's not looking good for you." The seriousness of Dazai's tone almost made Chuuya flinch.

"Aw, are you worried about me? Never took you for a good person." Chuuya said, sarcasm in his tone.

"As if, I am just thinking about how she would take those news, she would blame herself and I don't want to clean up the mess you make." Dazai said, still trying to numb his anger and desperation with alcohol.

"I'll handle myself, she will handle herself, and you should handle yourself, don't barge in my business meetings just because you are insecure about losing a girl that you are indirectly rejecting yourself, I don't like you and I don't think you deserve her, but I do think you are being too hard on yourself" Chuuya said taking a sip of his cup, and Dazai flipped him off.

"Fuck you, Dazai" the redhead said.

"Right back at you" The detective responded as he stood up, taking the wine bottle with him, and making his way to the door.

"Thank you" Dazai whispered as he got out of the room, and Chuuya smiled softly yet sadly without looking back at him.


Dazai was walking around the city, thinking about what he wanted to do with himself, just drowning his questions with the taste of a dry cabernet, he has never been a fan of wine, but years of working with Chuuya he develop a taste for it once in a while, and alcohol is alcohol after all.

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