'How long are they going to search us?'

'Can they catch the rats?'

It was an inconvenience because of all the commotion in their homes. Raymond was also crying.

'Damn it. What are you doing now? Like idiots. How can you catch rats when you do it like that?'

He grumbled.

'The soldiers are scrambling and the patients were cut off!'

The treatment center was flying with flies, unlike usual.

They were in trouble as it was.

Raymond thought angrily.

'No, if you want to catch rats, just catch rats! Are you all idiots?'

Was it because the great ones had never caught a rat?

Raymond couldn't understand why they didn't think of this obvious thing.

'Why can't they solve this problem by feeding them? I tried to be quiet and stay behind them.'

It seemed like a no-go.

If he sat still and waited like this, the number of rats would increase geometrically.

'If the Bay Area is scorched by an epidemic, the treatment center will perish.'

Raymond's brow furrowed as he realized he would have to leave after all.

'Just make it work! I don't want to get tangled up in a conspiracy!'

He sighed and went to see Rao.

"Rao, can I borrow the kitchen of the government building?"


His response was suddenly, "why the kitchen?"

"And prepare the ingredients for the dish I'm going to tell you about."

"What are you going to prepare?"

"Pastin Cheese Pie."

Rao's eyes immediately widened as he wondered.

He realized Raymond's intentions.

"No way?"

"Yes, that's right."

Pastin cheese pie.

It was a specialty of the Southern region of the Free Cities Union.

They put all kinds of cheese into the pie, and it tasted like...

'Copper. It smells terrible.'

Raymond raised an eyebrow.

Cheese also varied in taste from region to region, depending on the method of production.

Pastin cheese pie was a dish made with only cheeses that had a strong, stinky taste.

Even the spices used were horrible, nasally things.

'But the people in that town love it.'

And there was an even more important point.

That pastin rats love this dish!

No wonder its name was Pastin Cheese Pie.

The name was given to a dish that, when placed on the table, would surely bring out the pastin rats.

'As long as I have this pastin pie, we will eradicate the rats in no time.'


Originally, Raymond had intended to just give him the recipe and back out.

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