Are You Okay Alex?

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He then went to cuddle up to Alex's side, while also laying his head down on her stomach. Smiling as Max did that, Alex put her hand on his head and just stroked it with his thumb; after all, he was really adorable as he did this. And he was also quite comfortable. Turning to look at Jay, Alex smiled as this was perfect. "Let me guess, you don't trust me alone; but you do trust me alone with Max?" Jay smiled as he reached over his wife, before going ahead with scratching Max's head. "He's a good boy, and he most definitely will make sure that you're okay. Won't you buddy?" Max then proceeded to bark since he was spoken to. Laughing a bit, Alex smiled as she turned to look at Jay once again. After which, she watched as he bent down and proceeded to kiss her softly; just taking things nice and slow with his beautiful wife, Jay smirked due to the fact that she's incredibly sexy (along with being both the love his life, and the future mother of his children). "How about you turn on the TV and just take it easy?"

Alex agreed with Jay as he told her what to do, which is something that she's getting okay with more often than not; especially since she knows that it's due to the fact that he's worried right now. If he wasn't worried about her, then he wouldn't be telling her to do things that allow her to relax like she is right now; because that's the real reason that she's doing these things, so that she can relax for the sake of their children. And that's something that she's more than okay with doing. "I promise Jay, I'll turn the TV on and just take it easy." Jay agreed with Alex when she said that, before taking a breath. Moving his hand to her neck, Jay proceeded to stroke her cheek and then leaned over her. Kissing her forehead softly, Jay smiled. "I have your water bottle here, along with a granola bar? Can you eat it and just drink some for me babe? I think that you may have overheated again while your mind was racing." Alex sighed when she heard Jay say that. "Alex..." Alex then looked at Jay. "Sorry, sighing for the wrong thing."

Jay was confused when he heard Alex tell him that she was sighing for the wrong thing. "What do you mean Alex?" Alex took a breath when she heard Jay ask her what she meant, before proceeding to answer his question. "I was sighing because I hate that me letting my mind race, always means that I space out sometimes; and that makes you worry, which makes me wonder whether you'll want to do this again in the future." Jay just looked at his wife when she said that, in disbelief that she was even thinking that way; especially when he wants to be a father more than anything. He's incredibly happy over the fact that he and Alex are going to be parents, and that's something that's never going to change; he's always going to want to have children with his beautiful wife, regardless of where it happens. And if it happens here it Hawaii, then it's where it's going to happen; that's a guarantee. "Hey, don't even worry about that Alex. I mean that. I want to have a family with you, and that's never going to change." Alex agreed.

"Good, because I want to have at least two more kids with you." Jay smiled when he heard Alex say that, as that was something that he loved the idea of. "Maybe some boys next time?" Alex smiled. "Or we keep going until we have boys." Jay smirked when he heard Alex say that, for reasons that are not the same as hers, which Alex knew full well. "Seriously? Do you really have to think about it THAT way?" Jay snickered when he heard Alex say that, well aware of just what she was talking about. She was referring to the fact that he was thinking about in a way that wasn't the most appropriate to say the least, but that didn't mean that he wasn't going to think about it that way; after all, he loves making love to his gorgeous wife. "What? Can you really blame a guy for enjoying the feeling that comes with making love to his wife?" Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, well aware that was the case. "So, listen; I'm going to get you some food. How about you call Natalie and tell her how you're feeling? She was worried."

Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, before watching as he got up; smiling at his wife as he got up, Jay proceeded to lean over her and then kissed her softly. "Just take it easy and relax okay? And just remember that I'm just a call away if you need me okay? If you need me, I'm going to come right away." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, well aware that's the case. Going to grab his hand, Alex smiled as she stroked it with her thumb. After which, Jay bent down and kissed her one last time. But rather than pulling away and looking at Alex, he pulled away from the kiss and turned around to walk out to the kitchen. "Tease!" Jay smirked when he heard Alex say that, before turning around to look at her. "Last time I checked that bra was a real tease." Looking down, Alex shook her head when she (finally) noticed that she was just wearing her lingerie at the moment. "Of course, you got me undressed." Jay smirked when he heard Alex say that, before going downstairs to get them some supper, which will make her feel better. At the same time, Alex grabbed her phone so that she could give Natalie a call this evening.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now