46~ training and sketches

Start from the beginning

"We are told to aim for the center of the face behind the eyes. But that's a small target...and they move around. If we miss even a little, we won't be able to kill them. What can we do to make share we hit the target?" Asked Sonya. "Hmm..." Emma put her hand on her chin. "I'm not that knowledgeable about them. So I'm not sure...but there is a situation where it's easy to hit the target. When the enemy is preoccupied with its prey" said Emma.

"Well, now that I think about it the man created the situation" added y/n. "So maybe...not that safe" Sandy said.

"Let's get back to the windmill I have a plan I want to share with the others" Oliver said, ruffling y/ns hair. "Now my hairs a mess" y/n said, trying to fix her hair as Emma laughed.

The teens made it to the windmill and walked inside to be met with the rest of the group. "Sorry we took so long, but you should have seen Emma and y/ns targets, they were practically perfect" said Sandy. Emma waved her hands in the air "Mine?! You should have seen y/ns! She did it to perfection" said Emma as Oliver smiled. "Really good work you guys" Oliver said with a nod.

"What's this plan you have?" Asked y/n. "I'm glad you asked, first we take everyone to the windmill. Hide them in the secret passage Lucas and Adam will protect them. The eleven of us will divide into four teams, separate the demons into four groups. Leuvis, Bayon, Nous and Nouma and Luce. Emma, y/n and I will draw the attention of Leuvis. As Emma and y/n would be his main target and y/n is this Minerva guys sister" explained Oliver. "Yeah..." y/n nervously laughed. "It's a good thing though, if Leuvis is aware that you come from a main clan of humans he's going to want to target you even more" said Oliver. "So...he's gonna want to kill me even more..." said y/n with a nervous laugh.

Oliver put a hand gently on y/ns shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't let him...and neither will anyone else" "Alright I guess ...so how are we going to distract him?" Asked Y/n. "We use fifteen minutes. In those other fifteen minutes we destroy the other groups. After that all of us will kill Leuvis. He will definitely fall for it. As long as he is out of the picture we have a good chance of crushing the other three groups. They'll have their guard down, we will use that to our advantage. Punish them for taking their prey lightly. This is a surprise attack and we only have fifteen minutes, understood?" Asked Oliver as the group nodded.

"Let me handle Bayon. Bayon always hunts with two subordinates we have only five special bullets that will break their masks. We can't spare any for the subordinates. Bayon is the second strongest after Leuvis therefore a handle. That's why I'll take him. I've been watching what he's like and how to counter him. I'll take care of him for sure" Spoke up Zack.

"You're taking him because he's dangerous? To protect the rest of us?" Asked Oliver. "No. I'm doing this so no body will die. Including me. I've been reckless all this time and never died, right? So who else can handle him?" Asked Zack. Oliver smiled and fist bumped Zack. "Got it. I'll leave him to you" "Right on"

"Pepe, you can back him up? Nigel and Gillian as soon as you defeat Luce, please head over to them to offer support. We need to crush the three first groups. Sandy and Zack each of you hold on to one of the two bullets meant for Leuvis as a back up. But we will break the masks and kill then with one shot. For sure" said Oliver. "Yeah!" Cheered The group."We'll definitely return with both the bullets and the gun." "Yeah!" "Yesterday they started a hunt so we have two to three days counting today to prepare without knowing the time of the day" Oliver said.
"It's good we have a grounded plan now. We can work together better now" said y/n with a smile.

As the day unfolded y/n and Emma practiced with the targets and went over the plan with the group. Eventually the sun began to lower and it was time to rest. y/n and Gillian sat on their beds. Y/n found an old sketch pad in a drawer and began to draw in it. "What are you doing?" Asked Gillian, sitting on y/ns bed beside her. "I'm just sketching in this sketchpad I found ,back at Grace Field I had a sketchbook and I would draw all the time" y/n said. "Can I see what you are drawing right now?" Asked Gillian. "Sure- it's not my best sketch but here" y/n said with a smile.

Y/n lifted up the sketch pad to reveal a drawing of a raven haired boy in a white shirt sitting by a table. "That's so good?! Who is it?" Asked Gillian. "That's Ray. I'm worried about him...it's been almost two days and I know I'm probably over reacting but what if him and Lucas's friend got attacked? Or worse, what if they are dead already?" Y/n asked with a sad sigh. Gillian closed her eyes for a moment. "I'm sure they will be fine. Lucas's friend has survived the outside for what? Thirteen years? And I'm sure he will protect Ray too" Gillian said with a smile. "I hope so..." y/n said.

Gillian began to giggle. "Why are you snickering?" Said y/n with a small laugh. "Don't let Oliver see that drawing" she said. "Huh? Why?" Y/n asked. "I think he might have a tiny crush on you" Gillian said raising her eyebrows up and down. "What?! Are you serious?" Y/n asked with her eyes wide open. "You didn't hear this from me...but Oliver wouldn't stop talking about you yesterday and this morning. He's all like 'y/n this' and 'y/n that' it's super funny" she said, lying on her back. Y/n began to laugh. "Can wait to tell Ray about that" she said.

Emma walked into the room, taking off her boots. "Hey guys, sorry I was talking to Theo" she said. "Who is Theo?" Asked Y/n. "He's a boy who is here too. He lost his brother and sister so I wanted to check up on him" Emma said. "That's kind" Gillian smiled. "Emma's always like that" y/n said.

"What are you guys doing anyways?" Asked Emma. "Sketching" said y/n. "Ooo let me see" said Emma, snatching the sketch pad out of y/ns hands. "Woah! That's so good! It's even better than the twenty other drawings of Ray you drew back at the house" Emma laughed. "Twenty?!" Asked Gillian. "She's just kidding- I only drew like five" Y/n said in embarrassment as she took the sketch pad off Emma.

"Don't worry Y/n, I won't tell anyone about your sketch pads dedicated to this Ray boyfriend guy" Gilliam winked. Y/n put her hands over her face which was red. "Okay! We should probably go to sleep now" y/n said, trying to change the subject as Emma and Gillian laughed.


Hi guys!! Thank you so much for over 7K reads!! 💗💗

Sorry if there are any typos!!!

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