I scrubbed my scalp relentlessly as the soap turned into foam and bubbles. Raking my hands through my hair again to get all of the tangles out before stepping under the spray again to wash it out. Reaching over for the conditioner I repeat the process, bit leave it in as I scrub my body down.

By now almost all my cuts and bruises were gone as I washed off again. Not a single indicater that they were ever there except for a small lingering ache.

I turned off the shower and stepped out, grabbing a folded towel on my bathroom shelf to dry off. Wrapping it around my waist once I was done.

Opening my mirror, I take out a small first aid kit. There's not much in it, but there are a few band aids, disinfectant wipes, gauzes, cotton swabs, and btuuerfly strips for when I would need them. If I learned one thing from my parents, it's to always be prepared, no matter how strong you are, because no one is immortal.

Taking out a wipe, I quickly and efficiently clean the wound still on my cheek. The bleeding has finally stopped, but since a part of my actual skin is missing, it won't be able to stitch itself back together like the other cuts did.

I cursed again, seeing as it actually will leave a scar before taking out two butterfly strips and placing them on where my skin is gaping the most, dividing it into three parts.

Satisfied with that one, I turn to my only other remaining injury, the one on my right side. Where as my face was clear from damage, at least it was, my body did have some scars from previous times when I was rather careless. It looks like this new one will join the others, and again I place some butterfly strips on the wound, but only as far as I can reach.

Finally done, I put everything back in the kit and put it back before closing the mirror again.

I walk into my room and stretch a bit, trying to remove all the stiffness from my healed muscles. Yawning, I walk over to my dresser and pick out dark green loose sweat pants and some boxers before putting them on.

Once I finish I pause, hearing some small barks coming from the kitchen and living room. I frown slightly and walk out of my room to see Geralt sitting in his cat tower looking down at Misty. My little sweet girl is staring right back up at him as she tries to climb up the tower as well, only to fail and slide back down the the floor.

I can see her glare at Geralt and growl before trying again and failing again. Seeing her irritated amuses me to no end as she lets out another little enraged bark.

I can't help the laugh that rips through me and they both turn to look at me. I smile as Misty's mood does a full 180 and she runs over to me.

She stops before my feet and sits down just like I taught her before raising a paw to my leg, asking to be picked up.

My insides turn to jelly at how adorable she is and I gladly pick her up, cradling her to my chest like a baby.

"Awwww~" I coo gently to her, "How is my baby girl doing? Are you getting mad at poor Geralt?" I ask with a little pout, and she looks at me with big eyes and whines.

I smile lovingly at her and give her a small kiss to her nose before putting her back down. I look over at Geralt to see him watching me still. I hold out a hand and he jump from his tower over to the couch as he makes his way toward me. I wait until he nears and hold out my arms as he jumps into them.

He closes his eyes as I stradle him like I did Misty, and cuddle him close. He lets out deep low purrs that vibrate from him through to me, soothing me.

We stayed like that for a minute or two before I felt Misty's paw on my leg again. I chuckle and look down at her as she whines up at me.

I place Geralt down before giving Misty a scratch behind the ears. I stood back up and walked over to their food bowls by the pet cabnet and fed them. As they were eating, I looked over at the kitchen and frowned at the blood stains still there.

Taking the mop out of my cleaning cabnet I quickly sweeped and moped the floor, making it squeaky clean again.

I put everything back and finally sat down on the couch to watch some TV and relax when I heard a knock on my door.

I tensed and glanced over as the apartment falls silent. I glance at Misty and Geralt to see that they have stopped eating and are also watching the door as well.

Another knock echos through the room again, this time more insistent, and I hear Misty let out a little growl, walking over to stand in front of me. Geralt joins me on the couch and growls also, his gaze never leaving the door.

I smile at their protectiveness before getting up again. I walk over to the door and stop in front of it as a sudden wariness goes through me.

I frown at the feeling, and decide to shake it off.

So I grabbed the handle and opened the door.

Hey yall~

Random update!

Healing time with some snuggles🥰

Word Count: 1706

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