64) Falling for a Dollar

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Glenture and Spiky's dad, Rocky
Sealed a deal with death with a handshake.
They aren't being cocky.

To get some views and support
They are willing to play with their fear.
Spiky stands with her camera, "Oh dear."

"If you contribute one dollar to our kickstarter
We will jump!" Rocky says.
With a booming thump in his voice.

They signe their names saying they won't sue,
In the elevator, they are the only few.
They go up and up and up.
The elevator attendant asks, "Sup?
You guys riding the rides or jump'n?"

"There are rides up there?!" Glenture asks.
The doors open and an amazing view basks.

The sun is about to set.
There is a sea of homes and stretches of roads.
Waves of cars glide down straight paths.
Mountains from a great distance surround it all.
Spiky looks down and feels she might fall.

Rocky and Glenture put on their suits.
"Who's first?" A worker asks.
Away Glenture scoots
And points to Rocky, "He is."

Rocky stands at the edge.
Spiky records his pledge.
The wind blows
And he looks down below.

He says a little prayer
As the countdown begins.
He jumps and spins!
The sunset's rays and wind hit him.
He yells as he glides down.
The tiny buildings become bigger.
All of the "no's," blank comments to their posts
And unanswered emails melt away.
He lands on the ground unscathed.

Glenture yells all the way down.
Spiky greets them. No frowns.
She recorded the whole thing.
It's time for lunch, so they hit the town.

Note: Updates every Friday!

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