52) The Inner Stress Of Success

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Email after email starts with,

"Thank you for submitting your film..."

With no reason to read the rest.

Spiky tells herself she did her best.

"Maybe they didn't understand the story?"

Months go by and she experiences some glory.

Three festivals will play her film.

Online though,

It's better than nothing. So...

She at least needs to celebrate.

She writes a letter to her Grandpa.

Writing down "Thank you, thank you

Thank you," and seals the envelope

With glue.

She announces it on social media.

Likes and "Congrats" come in like a cheetah.

The accomplishments burn out.

"Huh, is this what success is about?

Or maybe I haven't reached it yet?"

Spiky is not upset.

Her life just hasn't changed yet.

"What is success?"

She searches on Youtube.

There's a video of a rich, successful dude.

He states, **"Success is doing what you want,

When you want,

Where you want,

With whom you want,

As much as you want."

Spiky, "Hm, I reached the first one...

I'm far from done.

I'd need help from money to feel like I've won.

To be free and have fun.

And a crew of friends

To make some great films,

or even a ton!"

Silly Spiky can't appreciate a milestone.

It could be that her hunger has reached her bones.

Her dreams are so big,

Small wins feel like foam.

**Tony Robbins

Note: Updates every Friday

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