54) After All this Work Is It Good?

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Spiky meets with Red

To watch the short film together.

It is a sunny day with nice weather.

"How have you been?" Red asks.

Spiky doesn't mention

What happened this morning.

There are feelings left over

Even after her mourning.

To keep the rest of the day

Nice and simple, she says,


They get a laptop ready

On a table made of wood.

Spiky is nervous of Red's reaction.

Her film doesn't have much action,

Or any funny interactions.

A subtle film about loneliness,

And a need to connect.

A society's addiction to phones...

Speaking of phones-

Red's cell phone buzzes,

She's now out of the story zone.

Her attention on an email,

And now a text message from a friend.

She types and types and hit's "Send."

Back to the film, Red is confused.

"Why did that happen?"

"Where is she?"

If Red let her phone be

She would see.

The film finishes

And Spiky's heart spikes

At the first Credit.

"In Loving Memory

Fred McDuffy."

She glances at Red,

"Will she ask about it?"

Red says,"I'll have to watch it

Again at home.

To really digest it."

Spiky smiles and nods.

On her way home she listens to music

Through her earphones,

Still unsure if her film bombed.

Note: Updates  every Friday.

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