2) Grab a Laptop and Gather Round

18 3 1

Three lost souls sit on the living room floor.

With deep concentration typing on the coffee table.

Four hours pass, maybe more...

The search for jobs becomes a fable.

One Spiky Haired graduate lies down on the rug.

"There's nothing to pick!"

"5 years of experience, straight out of college,

for a 6 month internship!

The Red Sweater grad replies,

"What about being an audience member,

a dog walker,

or a house sitter this November?"

The young ladies gather round.

"Whaaaa?!" is their only sound.

Red Sweater spins her screen to show the others.

"It's all on Craigslist," she coos like a mother. 

Note: I planed on posting every Friday, but  the last poem is pretty short. So for the short poems, I'll post two at a time ^_^

Next post will be on Friday. 

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