24) The Nantucket Festival Schedule

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In high spirits,
Every few days I kept an eye out for updates.
Today, they sent the event schedule.
Down the movie titles I land on some fate?

The film I assisted Miss P on will be showing as well.
Many feelings swirl in incomplete sentences.
With all that has recently happened I cannot dwell.

It would be very easy to write a "HAHA!"
Email to Miss P.
Or "I'll see you at Nantucket Miss P,"
Or "They love my script, Miss P,"
Or "My film is going to happen Miss P,"
Or "I'm on my way to the top Miss P,"
Or "You were completely wrong about me Miss P!"
And then end it with more HAHAHAHAs!

I could do that.
But God would make
Me land on my butt flat.

There'll be a day when Miss P will see me in an article,
On tv, YouTube, or some interview.

She'll see how happy I am
And reality will hit her like "BAM!"

The new generation of filmmakers are here.

Note: Updates every Friday

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