23) Another One for the Records!

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An email from the Nantucket screenwriting competition.

Which is known in the indie film community.

It was suggested by a Professor

When Spiky looked for fests stupidly.

The mouse's arrow hovers over the email.

This could be a win, it could be a loss.

"Let's do this fast and then get apple sauce."

She opens it with a high pitched yelp.

Her eyes close and she may need help.

Spiky takes a peak at the first word.

Sometimes one word is all it takes.

To know if your dreams can be real

Or fake.


She reads on, "Your script is one of the finalists."

Spiky made it through the first round!

Round two will be announced at the festival,

*Where the winner winner gets chicken dinner.

The festival will be in Massachusetts.

Which isn't too far.

The whole family could drive up in their car.

Maybe Spiky can go there and find her producer.

This trip is going to be super.

*Not literally 

Note: I want to say thank you to my readers!

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